New year new me

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Your p.o.v

''I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU NIALL!'' you screamed.


'' For the million times, Niall, he is gay'' you said.

''I'm pretty sure gay guys don't get cozy with another guy's girlfriend, do they?'' Niall said his face bright red.

''We. Are. Just. Friends''

''I don't go around getting cozy with girls. I can't even believe you are standing here and lying right in front of my face'' at this moment tears started to fall from your eyes.

It was a mixture of both sad and angry tears. No matter how much you tried to explain Niall that your friend, Alex, was gay he didn't take it.

''Maybe you should stay somewhere else tonight, Y/N'' Niall said.

''Are you kicking me out?!'' You asked unbelievably on what was happening right now.

Is he really going make that this huge of a deal?


''Okay fine then. Have a good life, Niall'' You said running upstairs and starting to pack your bag.

You came downstairs to see Niall sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. You took the keys to your or now Niall's house and left it beside him on the couch before leaving the house.

You lost it when you entered your car. Did he really not trust you?.

You drove to the only place you could've thought of. After about fifteen minutes you stopped in front of Harry's house.

You went up to his door and knocked. ''Y/N, love what's wrong?'' he asked worriedly engulfing you in a hug.

''Is it Niall, honey?'' he asked. You nodded unable to speak.

''What did he do?'' he asked getting angry.

''I went out with one of my childhood best friend who is gay and he put his arm around me and now Niall thinks I'm cheating on him'' You cried.

''He kicked me out'' letting more tears fall from your eyes.

''Aw honey, he's an ass for doing that. I'm so sorry. You can stay here as long as you want for, okay?'' you nodded.

''Thank you, Hazbear'' you smiled.

''Do you want something to eat, love?''

''It's okay, Harry. I'm gonna go to bed''

Harry insisted that you sleep in his bedroom while he took the guest room, but you denied. He was already letting you stay in his house and that was such a blessing.

''Goodnight, Y/n'' Harry said turning the lights off.


This was such a nice way to enter the new year. 

Niall's P.O.V

I can't believe Y/N would do such a thing. She was one the first girl that I've loved- l love and even though she hurt me pretty bad but I still love her.

I went up stairs to see all of her drawers and closet doors pulled out. I sat on the bed going on my twitter account to take my mind off things.

My twitter was blowing up. All of my notification was tagged to this person's tweet.

''Hi guys, I know there are rumors going on about me and Y/N. I promise that it's nothing like that. Me and Y/n are JUST friends and I'm gay and I already have a boyfriend so please stop hating on Y/N'' this guy who's name is Alex wrote.

Holy shit.

Y/N was telling the truth the whole time and I didn't believe her. Why am I such a fucking ass?

I grabbed my keys and ran to the place I knew she'd be. 10 minutes later I was knocking on Harry's door.

''What the fuck do you want man?'' Harry growled.

She is definately here.

''I want to talk to her, Harry. I messed up. Please'' I said tears dropping from my eyes.

''If I hear any crying or shouting from Y/N I'm kicking you out'' He said letting me go in.

I ran upstairs and into the guest bedroom. I could hear her sniffles outside the door and knowing I'm the one who did it, makes me feel like a monster.

I softly knock on the door before opening it. Her face broke me. She was so sad and the worst thing was, it was all because of me.

''Y/N, baby, I'm so sorry, princess. I really am. I don't know why I thought you would cheat on me because you wouldn't.''

''Then why did you kick me out'' she said

''Baby, I didn't mean too. I am just scared that another guy will steal you away from me. I mean, I'm always on road and most of the time I'm not there when you want me too.

''But other guys, they can be with you all the time and they are not on the road most of the time. They can be there for you when you need them''

''Niall, look at me.'' she said turning my face too look at her.

''Another guy doesn't have that beautiful smile that you do, they don't have the power to make me smile even when they are thousands of miles away, then don't have the power to make me feel beautiful.

''they don't make terrible joke which I love, they don't have such a kind, amazing heart like you do. I only love you and only you, Niall James'' she finished smiling.

This girl can do stuff to me that I don't even know. 

''Princess, I love you. Forgive me?'' 

She nodded leaning in and kissing me. Suddenly, there was a knock interupting our kiss.

''Just letting you guys know, I changed the sheets this moring so'' Harry smirked.

''Harry!'' I laughed

- Next day -


''Niall, it's about to start'' You said excitedly and you waited for the countdown to start.

''Coming babe'' he laughed bringing the popcorn.

''I love you so much, Y/N. I can't wait to see what the new year holds for us.'' 

''I love you, dork'' you laughed kissing him.

''3..2..1'' Niall pulling you towards him kissing you.

''I love you''

''I love you''



-Mirtteka xo

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