Save you tonight.

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The past few months have been horrible for me. I'm almost failing all of my classes and my relationship is going down the drain. 

My boyfriend, Nathan was the sweetest guy when I met him two years ago at a stupid college party.

However, his true colours have been shown and long story short, he is not the sweetest guy anymore. 

We haven't been a good term lately which makes him come to our shared apartments drunk every single night. He is one of those popular kids at college who always attend parties and drink mix up every kind of alcohol there is whereas, on the other hand, I am completely different. 

The only thing I am grateful right now is my best friend, Niall. He is the most amazing friend I could ever ask for. 

It was getting close to 9 pm so I decided to sit at my beige coloured couch and start writing up my Psych essay which was due tomorrow.

Psych wasn't my favourite which makes it whole process much harder. It was already close to midnight and I had only written three paragraphs. 

All of a sudden, the door slammed open, revealing Nathan at the doorway. 

''Someone decided to get home early today,'' I muttered under my breath

''What did you just say?'' he asked getting close to my face. So close I could easily smell the drugs mixed in his breath.

 ''Oh nothing,'' I said quickly glancing down.

''So you are lying to me now?'' he asked grabbing the collar of my shirt.

''Can you please let go?'' I asked calmly knowing as this is an everyday thing.

''You are a such a bitch. Does your sorry ass still think I wanna be with you? the only reason I'm still with you is to get better marks. You are like a free, stupid tutor.'' He yelled.

This was new.

Out of nowhere, Niall walked in through the door which was open from when Nathan walked in.

I felt like I let go of my breath which I didn't even know I was holding. ''What is he doing here?'' He asked yelling.

''You son of a bitch. Let her go.'' Niall said running over to the couch and pulling Nathan to the floor.

Nathan punched him in the nose while shoving him into the coffee table which was now shattered.

He grabbed my hand his nails gripping into my skin to the point I can feel my own blood coming through. 

I screamed in pain a few tears leaving my eyes.

Niall grunted and got up shoving Nathan into the dining table and punching off until he is knocked out.

''Y/N, are you okay?'' he said giving me a tight hug. I needed him.

I slowly shook my head. Tears spilling from my eyes.

''What did he do to you?'' he asked frantically looking over my body to check if I was hurt.

''I'm so sorry.'' I finally said.

''Here let me fix up your nose,'' I said taking him to the bathroom and pulled out the first aid kit.

I slowly washed away the blood with the clothe as he finched now and then.

I could feel his eyes looking at me with a stern gaze. 

''He was abusive from like the second year,'' I started

''I let it go thinking he will change. He started going to parties every night then coming home drunk and most days it doesn't go this far but I don't know what happened today.'' I could feel a tear fall.

Niall cupped my face into his hands. ''Why did you never say anything?'' he asked looking at me softly.

''I was scared,'' I said

''You don't have to be scared anymore, okay? I'll be here to protect you as long as we are here." He said. And he did.

8 years later.

''....I made a promise to you 8 years ago that I'd protect you and I want to extend that promise to as long as we live. I love you.'' He read off wiping a tear from the corner of his eyes.

''Do you take Y/N Y/L/N as your lawfully wedded wife?''

''I do.'' Niall smiled ear to ear.

''Do you take Niall Horan as your lawfully wedded husband?''

''I do.''I smiled.

''You may kiss your bride.'' The priest smiled.

Niall spared no time in pulling you closer and kissing you.

Maybe everything does happen for a reason.



Mirtteka xo

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