Strange Love

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Your p.o.v

We all can agree that high school is best and worst times of our lives. Me, y/n y/l/n, was known as the 'smart' or the 'nerd' of every class.

There's two types of people in every high school, the 'nerds' and the 'popular'. Speaking of popular, Niall Horan, every girl's dream boy.

Niall, the soccer captain, brown hair always in a quiff, abs, blue eyes, and a million dollar worth smile.

He was the perfect guy. Except for you. Yeah, he was hot and good looking but he plays every popular girl at school.

Niall was most of the girl's crush. Here's the thing, people like Niall Horan and his friends like Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, and Harry Styles didn't like people like you, 'nerds'.

''Y/N, did you know Niall is dating Cassandra Jones?'' your best friend, y/b/f/n, said.

''I don't care about him'' you rolled your eyes.

Everything Niall did everyone knew about.

''Oh sure you do'' she smirked back.

''Niall makes out with every popular girl, y/b/f/n'' you said. 

''Why don't you like him?'' 

''I just don't'' you said walking off.

You didn't hate Niall but you didn't like him either. You liking Niall is like getting a letter from Hogwarts saying that you're accepted (where's my harry potter fans? ayeee). It just doesn't happen.

You went to your first class which was your only class with Niall if he comes to class. Luckily, today he came and he sat to the empty seat beside you.

Niall sitting beside you didn't occur every day. Today was going to be exciting.

''Hello class. Today is a big day for you guys. It's your final project. And no, you're no allowed to pick your partners.'' Mr. James said earning a groan from the whole class.

''Sophia and Ellie'' you sighed as your teacher started partnering people.

''Y/N and Niall'' he said making you shot up.

''Mr. James, it's me and...?'' you asked making sure you heard it right.

''You and Mr. Horan, Y/N'' he said.

Here's the thing, you didn't want to partner up with Niall just cause he is not going to do any work and you have to do all of it.

''So partners.'' Niall started.

''Yeah. Partners''

''You guys have one week to finish up this project so you better work hard'' Mr. James said.

''So you wanna come over to my house to start on the project?'' Niall asked.

''Sure'' you smiled as the class ended. Jesus.

You walk down the crowded hallways to find Y/B/F/N.Once you finally saw her, you ran up to her.

''Y/B/F/N, you won't believe what the heck just happened!'' you said 


''I'm partner with the freaking Niall Horan'' 

''No way! that's amazing'' she smiled back.

''Switch with my life until it's done please'' you said.

''Stop being so dramatic'' she laughed.

Finally, school ended and you drove to the address Niall gave you as his home.

You came to this beautiful house which Niall gave his address to. You got out of the car walking up to his porch.

''Hey Y/N, come on in'' he smiled.

''Thank you''.

You walk in to see an elderly woman similar face as Niall's sitting on the couch. ''Mum this is Y/N, she's my partner for a project'' Niall said to his mom.

''Y/N nice to meet you'' she came hugging you.

''You too Mrs. Horan'' you smiled. ''Please call me Maura.'' she smiled.

It's been two hours since you guys started working. You actually liked working with him. Which was very weird. 

''Ahhh we should take a little break, I'm tired'' Niall groaned flopping on the bed making you smile.

Niall acts so differently around his friends but when he is alone he's like a whole new person. Which you like. 

Niall's personality at home with you is nothing like at school.

''I think we should.'' you smiled.

''Lay down''

You slowly laid down with Niall looking at you and you looking right back. You could feel Niall's ocean blue eyes looking right into your brown ones, it was almost burning holes into your eyes, but you liked it.

You guys laid back for like 15 minutes not talking just looking into each other eyes when you felt Niall coming closer to your lips.

Before you even knew it he was looking at you for permission making you nod. His soft lips captured yours making thousands of butterflies going wild in your stomach. 

Oh shit.

''Um I gotta go'' you said getting up.

''Um let me walk you to the door.'' He said his face blushed.

''No it's okay. Bye'' you smiled leaving.

You went to your car and drove away. 

'No way I kissed Niall. I'm so fucking stupid. He's just going to play me like the other girls' you thought to yourself.

The next few days you tried to avoid Niall as much as you could. He'd run up to you but you just walk away.

''Y/N! wait'' Niall yelled from across the field running up to you.

''I have to go. sorry'' you said walking past him when you grabbed your hand pulling you towards him.

''I know you have been ignoring me because of that little kiss'' he started.

''I know you think of me as a player and believe me when I say this, I like you, I really do. Every time you walk through the doors you just take my breath away. I know you don't like me but please give me one chance. Yes, I kissed tons of other girls, but they are nothing compared to you.'' 

You have to admit that kiss was just.....something else. 

''one chance Horan, only one'' you smiled making his beautiful blue eyes shine like a kid on Christmas day.

''You won't regret it'' he said pulling you into his chest.

You never imagined that you like Niall James Horan, but I guess life has a weird way of working out. As Niall said, you didn't regret giving him a chance.




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love you all

-Mirrteka xo

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