Prank call

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your p.o.v

It was a typical Monday with Niall begin in the studio ( just pretend :)) and you having a vacation sitting at home being bored. Right now you were laying down on the couch thinking how to function. Suddenly an idea came in, you were going to do a twit cam.

''Doing a twit cam in 5'' you tweeted. After setting up the camera in your's and Niall's bedroom you started. ''Hi guys! How are you all?'' you smiled once your face showed up on the screen. 

You got tons of replies back saying how they were and some also asking how were you, but as usual, you got some hate saying you should die, but you ignored them. ''Ok guys so we are going to play a game. You guys are going to say some dare and I'm going to do them,'' you said.

''Okay let's see'' you said going through comments. ''okay this one's from 'kate__levis' can you lick your nose with your tongue?' ''  you read. ''Well why not try it?'' you laughed. After failing couples of time, you finally gave up. 

''The next one is from 'niall_tuk_chonce 'you said chuckling to yourself, ''okay so this one is gonna be a prank call. It says that I've to prank call someone. So, I'm going to prank call Niall.'' you smirked.

You called him waiting for him to pick up. After like 2 rings, he picked up. ''Hello?'' you can hear his deep Irish. You were calling with a different number which why he didn't reply with 'hey princess'. 

you put the phone on the speaker so that everybody can hear. ''um hi I'm Suzy and I'm a huge fan of you'' you said trying your best British accent. ''oh hi Suzy'' Niall said, you were proud he didn't catch you by now.

''How can I help you?'' he asked, ''hm I'm just a huge fan of you and the boys, I love you guys so much! I listen to you guys every single night, and when your part comes inn I make the volume higher.'' you said trying to sound like the fan who was going to cry.

'' uh-huh? well then, we are lucky to have a such a beautiful fan like you. Well, I'm happy that you actually listen to my voice higher than the others.'' he said, making you smile. ''well then bye Niall. I love you!'' ''bye, I love you too'' he said ending the call.

''Okay guys, so he didn't recognize me which is the weirdest thing ever.  But I hope you guys had fun and thank you guys for watching this, I love you all!'' you said making some kissy face and then ending the twit cam.

By the time you finished it was 4 pm that means only an hour left till Niall is home. Soon, you started on dinner. After midway to dinner a strong pair of arms came and wrapped around you, you immediately recognized it as Nialls. 

You giggled turning around in his arms giving a peck. ''How's my princess doin'?'' he asked, his Irish accent clear. ''Good just bored, but now that you're here makes it all better'' you smiled, ''I love you'' he whispered going upstairs to change.

''what's for dinner?'' he asked coming down in his sweatshirt and pants. ''Pasta'' you replied making two plates and taking them to the table, while Niall gets the glasses. 

After dinner you guy's watched some T.V together you went to bed.  you were sitting on the bed going through your Instagram feed when Niall pooped up beside you. 

''I thought you listened to our music every single night'' he smirked, making you turn your head to face him. ''what?" you asked, ''oh and when my part comes do you really turn the volume higher?'' he asked smirking, oh how I wish I could take off that smirk.

''um who told you?'' you asked making sure he was not joking, ''Suzy'' he laughed. Right now you were covering your face with a pillow. You could hear your boyfriend laughing his ass out.

''I'm going to sleep'' you said pulling the blanket on top of you, as for your idiot boyfriend was still laughing. ''By the way, you're British accent is hot'' he mumbled leaving a kiss below your ear. 

Hope you guys hope you enjoy this !!


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