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Your p.o.v

If I am being completely honest right now, I don't enjoy having a lot of free time. Don't get me wrong I love having to have nothing to do, but sometimes it gets boring. 

I like when I have things to do to keep me busy but that's not the case during summer.

Right now I am currently laying on the couch with my head hanging below and my feet up while my boyfriend plays video games.

''Niallllll,'' I call for like the millionth time.

''Yeah?'' he asked with his eyes glued to the fucking screen.

''Can we do something else other than you playing that stupid game,'' I said hoping he'd listen to me this time.

''Yeah sure. Just let me finish this round.'' His eyes still glued to the screen.

''This is your eighth time saying that.''

It has been half an hour and Niall has been playing the 'same' round. I knew he wouldn't listen so I didn't even try and talk to him anymore.

I got up from my position and went closer to him and softly started sucking his sweet spot. 

''B-baby, wha-what are you doing, my love?'' he asked in a low voice.

''Well since you wouldn't move your eyeballs from the screen and do something together, I decided to entertain myself,'' I said as I kept on going.

I slowly unbuttoned my shirt still sucking his sweet spot and took my hair out of the ponytail. 

''Holy Jesus, Y/N. You wanna take your little entertainment upstairs, baby?'' He asked his voice getting deeper.

''No. Keep playing, baby,'' I whispered back.

I took off my shorts leaving my body only on a pair of black lace bra and panties. I moved to his lap and wrapped my feet around his waist.


''Shh. Don't talk.'' 

You started unbuttoning his shirt and felt him drop the controller and bring his hands around your waist.

''You think you can tease me, baby girl?'' He said into your ears. He stood up and wrapped his muscular hand around your thighs and carried you to the bedroom. 

''Let me show you how bad of a girl you have been. Daddy needs to teach you a lesson.'' He said hungrily kissing you.

He supported your back with one hand while used another to unclip your bra. 

''Niall,'' You moaned. 

''Shh. Don't talk.'' He winked. 

''Bend over.'' He demanded. You got up from your position and bent over his legs.

He slowly pulled down your panties leaving you naked. Out of the blue, without any signs, he smacked your ass.

''You have been a bad girl, haven't you?'' He asked laying you over the bed so you would face him.

He got on top of you and started running his finger around your chest sending shivers down your body. 

''Yes, daddy.'' You smirked knowing it drives him crazy when you call him that.

He gave you a wink and started sucking on one of the nipples while massaging the other. He made his way down to your pussy and slowly started outlining it with his tongue.

''Niall,'' you moaned once again. This boy can make you a moaning mess underneath him.

''Yes, baby, that's right.'' He smirked inserting a finger in your opening.

''HOLY SHIT, NIALL,'' you screamed clutching the sheets below.

''Louder baby.'' He said adding his second and the third finger.

''FUCK,'' You yelled taking deep breaths in.

He took his fingers out quick and licked off the cum. ''Sweet. Just like you.'' He smiled giving you a kiss.

''You alright, baby?'' He asked getting on top of you. He's so sweet. It's been over four years that you guys have been dating and yet, he still asks if you are okay everytime you guys make love to each other.

''I am perfect just do it already. You are a fucking tease.'' 

''Hold on baby girl. Don't want my princess to be hurt, yeah?''

He inserted in you making you scream and dug your nails on his back. 

''I have been fucking you and you are still so tight.'' He said going back and forth.

''Niall, I'm going to-''

''Do it baby.'' He said as his face got softer. 

He plopped back beside you taking in deep breaths. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you closer. 

''That was wow.'' He mumbled.

''You should play video games way more.'' You smirked.

''Oh trust me I will.'' He laughed making you smile.

''I love you, Niall.'' You meant every single letter.

''I love you, Y/N.'' He smiled back, kissing your forehead. 

You love Niall with everything you have and so does he. That's all that matters.

HELLO LOVES! Hope you guys enjoy this part. Lol, I need some holy water after writing this. Anyway, I'm sorry if it's terrible. I don't really get depth into these kinds of stuff. Okay, so I was thinking that I was going to update every Friday as its summer. Would you guys like that? please let me know.

Love you all xo


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