New house

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Your p.o.v
You and Niall have been married for 3 years and you've 2 children, Sophie and James. Sophie is 5 while James is 2. You guys didn't move out of your old house which was 2 bedrooms, 1 toilet and one kitchen with attached living room.

Since the children's are growing up you guys need a lot of space and your old house was a bit small so, Niall and you are looking for a much bigger house. To your luck, you guys got a perfect size.

4 bedrooms, 4 toilets, a huge kitchen, and a huge living room with a huge backyard and a swimming pool.

Today Niall thought it would be perfect to show the kids their new home. You guys finished breakfast and were on your way to the new house. "Ready guys?" Niall asked they nodded their head rapidly.

You smiled taking Sophie's hand and Niall taking James in his arms.
As you guys opened the door Sophie ran to choose her room upstairs. "Which room do you want, bud?" Niall asked sweetly to James which he said "yes". At this age, James can only say 'yes', 'no', 'mommy', 'daddy', and 'food' which is no doubt.

Soon we went upstairs to check out the room along with James. As soon as we stepped in the light blue room James rapidly started saying 'yes' which meant he want that. Sophie picked a room which was pink with gold polka dots.

After they picked their rooms they went to see the rest of the house leaving me with Niall. "Wanna check our room?" He smiled, I nodded smiling. Niall opened a huge white door decorated white crystal, it was beautiful.

Inside was like heaven, to be honest, a huge king size bed placed in the middle of nightstands with lamps on each side. One of the walls was full of our family pictures from the time I and Niall went to our first date to last month on James 2nd birthday.

On the left side was a luxury attached bathroom and on the right a balcony which gives a perfect view of the backyard. "Niall, you-you did all the decorations?" I asked. "All me" he smirked capturing my lips.

Soon a sweet innocent kiss turned into a makeout. Niall pushed me on to the bed hovering on top of me. "Niall the kids-" "they're fine" he assured me. Soon Sophie yelled knocking on our door.

"Mommy, I'm hungry!" she yelled through the door. "Way to ruin the moment," Niall said falling beside me. I giggled getting up opening the door. "Daddy, can we go to McDonald's?" She asked "sure why don't you go downstairs me and mommy will come in a minute" he smiled.

She went downstairs closing the door, and the next thing I know Niall is top of me again. "Niall they're waiting" I giggled "fine. But at home, you're mine only mine. I'll show you how much I love you" smirked kissing me one last time and going out the door leaving me blushing like an idiot. It's going to be interesting...

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