Coming back from tour

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Your P.O.V
Finally the time has arrived your boyfriend, Niall will come back from tour tomorrow.
*next morning*
Niall's flight will land around 4 pm so, you cleaned the house and made his favorite meal before you took a shower and changed into his favorite outfit on you ( picture on the top) after that you sprayed on his favorite perfume on you which was lavender and vanilla mix, that perfume drives him crazy.

After everything was done I left the house to see my boyfriend.
*at the airport*
I've been wait for 30 minutes but there is no sign of blonde headed boy with ocean blue eyes. I was searching through the crowd when a blonde hair peeked up, there he was.
He saw me and stopped smiling from ear to ear and opened his arms, I ran as fast as my legs could carry and jumped in his awaiting arms. "I missed you" he mumbled in my hair " I missed you too" he pulled out of the hug and bought me into a passionate kiss, which lasted for few minutes. "Let's go home, I've something really important to do" he smirked, "what do you have to do" I asked confused "you'll see"he smirked again.

*at home*

After having a conversation for a while and after dinner we went upstairs to our room, which led me getting pushed up against the door "you have me driving me crazy since airport" he whispered sending shivers down my spine.

After making out a little things got really hot and now I was in bed with Niall on top of me. "Niall" I moaned "what do you want baby girl?" He asked in his sexy Irish accent "you" moaned again "that's my girl" he smirked. And the rest is history....

Instagram- @ neill.horan

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