He cheated

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Your P.O.V
Lately Niall has been distant, he goes out and come back home really late. He just got back from tour and you two haven't spend anytime together.

Only a few 'good morning's' and 'good bye's' are the words said. Currently, you were sitting in the couch watching Telly and Niall was out with the boys as usual suddenly a picture popped up at the screen.

It was your boyfriend and a girl much more beautiful than you kissing, Niall seems happy. You burst out crying how can he do that to me? Of course I wasn't any model but how can he broke my heart?, just then Niall came " baby what's wrong?" He asked getting closer "don't baby me you cheated, you fucking cheated!" I screamed " no I didn't!" He argued back "oh really? Then I guess this is photoshopped,huh?" I said showing him the picture.

"(Y/n) please princess I can explain-" "there's nothing to explain, why would you a famous pop star love a girl like me" I sobbed.

I went upstairs to pack my bag as he sat in the couch his head on his hands. After 15 minutes I came down with my suitcase in my hands "bye Niall hope you have a good life" I said trying so hard not to run and hug him "does it really have to end it like that?" He asked as more tears swell up, I nodded not knowing what to say "can I at least hug you?" He asked I nodded once again and hugged him tight.

"Bye Niall" I said and went out not looking back again.

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