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Your p.o.v
You were currently getting ready to go to the cinema with your boyfriend Jake and your best friend Niall. You did your last touches on your makeup and went downstairs to find Jake. "Hey babe ready?" He asked "yeah. Let's go?" I asked sweetly.

He nodded taking his keys and opening the door for me. By the time we arrived Niall was already there standing. "Hi ni!" I said hugging him. "Hey" Jake said shaking Niall's hand, who replied with a 'hi'. Niall and Jake never seemed to like each other.

Niall thinks you deserve much more better than him while Jake thinks you and and Niall look more than just a friend. But to you, you watched Niall just a friend. Yes you had a crush on him before but that time he was dating so, you moved on by dating Jake. "what movie do you wanna watch princess?" Niall asked, 'princess' was the nickname Niall set for you.

"Suicide squad?" You asked, "sure" Niall smiled going to pay for tickets. Here's the thing about Niall he'll never let you pay, no matter what. "Jake are you okay?" You asked to your boyfriend who was glaring at you. "Why don't you watch movie with your new boyfriend?" He spat. " why are you acting like this? You know we are just friends!" You whispered yelled, he rolled his eyes going into the theater.

"Everything okay?" Niall came asking, you nodded going into the theater.
You were having a conversation with Niall about what he's going to do while he's having a break while Jake was in his phone.

You saw Jake glared at you at the comer of your eyes but you don't think much of it. Finally the movie finished and all of you came out. "Bye Niall" you said going to hug him, but Jake pulled you in front of him. "Listen (y/n) , if you're going to act like this with your best friend then you must chose between me and him" he said pointing at Niall who's standing beside you. "Jake I-" you got cut off "if you choose him you've to break up with me. If you choose me you can't talk to him. You've 1 day" he said leaving you and going in his car.

At this moment you have tears in your eyes. You loved Jake but you also love Niall. "Want me to drop you?" Niall asked breaking the silence. You nodded walk to his car. As gentleman he is, he opened the door for you waiting for you to step in before going to his side.

The ride to your apartment were silent a awkward one. You said a small thanks to Niall before leaving. You had your own apartment too so that was a help in this situation. You went in and thought about all the times you and Niall had fun, how loyal he was to you.

You didn't like Jake much but he was a good boyfriend.

~next day~
You knocked on you boyfriends door waiting for him to answer. After 2 minutes he opened. "I hope you've an answer" he spat. "I'm breaking up with you" I said which made his eyes get wide. "You love Niall, don't you?" You nodded. You hugged him and left the flat.

You were driving home when you got text from Niall 'can you come at mine? Xx' it says. You typed a quick sure before driving to his.
''Hi babe!" He engulfed you into a hug. "Hi" you laughed. "So what's up Neil?" You smirked knowing he hated the name. Yes, you just broke up with your boyfriend, but staying with Niall makes it all better. "Stop" he wined like a little child. "Okay okay. What's up?" You smiled, "I really like a girl but I don't know how to ask her out" that made you heart broke. Niall definitely doesn't like me.

Why would he like some average girl than some model?. But however, you managed to put a smile in you face. "I guess you can take a bouquet of flower to her and ask her out?" "That's a good idea. Thanks (y/n)!" Niall smiled, if he'd only know how much I love him. "So did you choose?" He popped up from out of the blue. "Yeah I choose you" you said giving him a little smile.

He came crashing you in a hug. You left Niall's house and came to yours at around 1 pm. Having nothing to do, you decided to watch the vow and eat some ice cream. Cause what's better than having a heart broken and eating ice cream. An hour into the film Niall texted you saying he's outside.

You paused the movie and opens the door seeing you best friend bought you a bouquet of flowers. "will you please go out on a date with me?" "But i thought you liked some girl" "that girl is the one standing In front of me" he smiled. "Yes!" I said jumping in his open arms. And that was a start of a beautiful relation.....

Hope you guys enjoy!

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