Leaving for tour

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This was it tomorrow your boyfriend, Niall was leaving for tour. And you won't be seeing him for six months. Currently, you were sitting on yours shared bed pouting. "Cmon (y/n) don't be like that" Niall said, "don't go,please" I said as I gave my best puppy dog face "you and I both know that it's not possible even how much cute you look in that face" Niall said chuckling. "I'll miss you" I mumbled in his shoulder, "I'll miss you more princess" he said, turning back so now he was facing me.
"But we promised that we will FaceTime, Skype , text and everything right?" He said slowly, I nodded not looking in his ocean blue orbs. " look at me" he mumbled lifting my face with his finger.
His eyes were red same as mine right now, "I'm sorry" I mumbled against his shoulder "for what?" "For making you cry" I sobbed, a cute laugh escaped his mouth making me smile a little. "You're so cute princess, I love you" he smiled kissing my forehead , then my nose, and lastly lips. God, I'm gonna miss his kisses.
"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked, I nodded my head taking his hand and walking down stairs. "Which one?" "The vow!" I yelled from kitchen.
I took the popcorn and handed to him "thank you" he smiled "welcome". I snuggled into and he put his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. You must have fallen asleep while watching the movies cause' you felt someone picking you up and carrying you. You opened you eyes to see Niall carrying you upstairs "Niall?" "Shh princess sleep" he smiled and gave a peck on your lips "I love you" you whispered, "I love you more"

~next morning~

"(Y/n) wake up" you felt someone shaking you "go away" you mumbled, then you heard that cute little chuckle from your Irish boyfriend, which made you smile instantly. "Morning babe" he said lightly kiss you lips "morning" you smiled, "I made you breakfast" Niall said "thank you" you smiled going downstairs.
There it was probably 15 pancakes stack on top of each other with berries, chocolate chips, and honey, it looked really romantic and beautiful to be honest. "Niall!" You yelled, seconds later he came running down "yes princess?" "How in the world am I supposed to eat this many pancakes?" " that's why we are going to eat breakfast together" he smiled, can this boy get any romantic?

I laughed and we started eating, after finishing we got ready. By the time we got out the door on our way to airport was 7:30 am.
~15 minutes later~
We got out the car and went inside,  and hugged the other boys and started a little conversation. "Flight 2654 boarding to New York in 15 minutes"  " I'm gonna miss you so much babe" "me too" I said as a tear  slide down " don't make it harder (y/n)" Niall said, but at the conner of the eye I can see how hard he's trying not to cry.
"C'mere"he said in his strong Irish accent. He pulled me into a hug and buried his face in my neck.
"I love you" he said and pulled into a passionate kiss, full of love. "Flight2654 boarding to New York in 5 minutes" "see what you do to me ,you make me miss things" he chuckled. With one last kiss he went. I stood there for a while until Eleanor came up to me (I know Eleanor and Louis broke up but I don't like Daniell so I'm gonna go with Eleanor) "come on let's go" and we both went back counting  the days our boyfriends come back.

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