Movie night

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Your POV
It was Sunday which means a day off for you, so you decided to call your best friend Niall for a movie night. Since it was their break he was pretty much free all the time.

'Hey ni, wanna have a movie night at mine? :)' you texted.
Within seconds you got back a reply 'does 7 sounds good? Xx', you quickly typed a yes and started to prepare for the movie night.

You were cleaning up the living room a bit when Niall came. "Hey babe" he said hugging you. "Come in" you opened the door more so he can come in. "I bought you Starbucks" he smiled handing my drink "that's why I like you" I smirked.

"That hurts" he said fake crying, making me laugh.
I wish he knew how much I've fallen for him. Yeah, I've fallen for my best friend, but we can never be together. Niall just sees me as his best friend nothing more.

I guess the relation we've now is okay.
I went to the kitchen to make us some popcorn while Niall is picking movie. "Do you wanna watch 'the vow'?" He asked from living room. ''Sure" I said back, bringing the popcorn.

We wrapped each other in a blanket before starting the movie getting much cozier. After 15 minutes into the movie I can see Niall stating at me. "Y/n?" He suddenly called, "yeah?" I asked softly.

"Do you like me?" He asked out of the blue. "Your my best friend course I do" I said like it was obvious. "I mean more than a friend?" He said his face full of worry. "Niall I-" "it's fine. I get it-" he kept rambling on "Niall I like you very much. I like you more than a friend" I said making him stop. "Y-you do?" He asked shocked.

I nodded smiling. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" "I'd love to" I smiled bringing him into a hug.

~1 year later~
"Do you wanna watch the vow?" Niall yelled while I was making popcorn. "Sure" I yelled back. Today was mines and Niall's 1 year anniversary.

So, instead of going to a fancy restaurant Niall insisted we would stay home and recreate the day he asked me on a date and that exactly what we did!

Hope you guys enjoy it!

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