driving test

626 13 0

your P.O.V

This was it. This was the last day where you don't have to beg Niall to take you shopping  when the soccer/football match was on.

Today you were getting your driver's licence!. You arrived at the office waiting for your named to be called.

 By the time you were waiting you were playing some games on your phone trying to keep yourself distracted.

 Niall wasn't here he was at the studio with some friends recording his album. After 40 minutes or so your name was finally called.

You jumped out of your seat going with the lady that just called you. ''Hello miss'' a sweet woman said gesturing you to take a seat.

''Thank you'' you smiled, taking a seat. ''Are you ready for your licence?'' she asked ''yes'' you replied. 

''Well then here is it!'' she said giving you the pink card with your picture in it (drivers licence in the UK is pink) ''thank you so much'' you said getting up ''no problem''.

As soon as you got out Niall called, ''has my princess gotten her license?'' he asked, ''maybe'' you smirked unlocking your car. ''well then can she pick me up?'' ''maybe'' you said locking your phone.

A few minutes later you you were standing in front of the studio waiting for Niall. Soon he came taking a seat on the passengers. ''you ready?'' you asked ''hope I don't die'' he smirked making you roll your eyes. 

Soon it started to rain and you being the new driver you took a sharp turn making Niall flinch in his seat. 

''I don't know if I should be excited or nervous sitting here'' you heard Niall say. ''you know babe you can always walk home'' you winked making him groan. ''I'll be quite'' he winked back making you laugh.


-mirtteka XO

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