Christmas proposal

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This year for Christmas you and Niall decided you guys would spend Christmas with Niall's family in Ireland. Ever since you and Niall started dating you adored Niall's family. You and Niall recently went to visit your family so you did not mind spending the special time of the year with his.

''Babe you ready to go?'' Niall asked walking into the room with some grey sweatpants and you could see his cavin band sticking out. Fuck, if he only knew what he's doing.

''Yeah. I just need to-'' 

''Kiss my boyfriend?'' he smirked.

Coming closer and kissing you making you smile. ''I love you, dork''

''I love you more my what does a female dork called?'' he asked making you laugh.

The rest of the plane ride you and Niall watched tons of Christmas movies with Niall cracking up some horrible joke. Harry must have been rubbed off on him

You finally landed in Dublin and Maura was coming to pick you guys up. You loved Maura she is a such a sweet person and a great company. 

''Y/N, oh honey, look at you. You look so beautiful'' she said giving you a hug. 

''Um mom, you must have missed someone'' Niall said.

''Of course not! come here. I missed you my little baby.'' she said giving him a hug.

''Let's go guys. Theo is so excited to see you guys'' ''We are too'' you smiled thinking of that sweet little boy

Sadly, You couldn't find the tickets until Christmas Eve which sucked, but it's better than on the day of the Christmas.

****The next morning****

''Y/N, dear, it's time to wake up. Merry Christmas and can you wake Niall please? that boy will love it'' Maura said.

''Merry Christmas, Maura. We will be down soon'' you smiled turning back to Niall.

You crawled on top of him leaving soft kisses on his lips. 

''What a way to wake up. Can you do that every morning?'' he asked in his raspy voice.

You giggled. ''Merry Christmas, Ni. I love you'' you smiled looking at the gorgeous man in front of you.

''Merry Christmas, Princess. I love you so much pumpkin you have no idea'' he smiled kissing your forehead.

You guys got ready before heading downstairs for Christmas breakfast and gift opening later.

''Auntie Y/N and Uncle Niall!'' Theo yelled from across the room running up to you guys.

''Theo we missed you, buddy'' Niall said hugging same. You doing the same after him.

You went to the kitchen to see if Maura and Denise needed any help. They asked if you could set up the table and you were more than happy to do it.

''Y/n, can you get the door, love?'' Greg said.

''Sure'' you smiled.

''Mom, dad! what are you guys doing here?!'' 

''Niall flew us here. He's such a sweetheart, Y/N. I'm happy for you'' you dad said walking up to Niall hugging him and greeting people.

Your mom, Maura and Denise started a conversation leaving you and Niall.

''I love you. Thank you, Ni'' you hugged him.

''I wanted this Christmas to be different.'' he hugged back.

''After breakfast, you guys sat around the tree opening up the gifts.

''I go first!'' Theo said picking up the one that's from you and Niall. It was a fire truck that he had been wanting for ages.

''Thank you auntie Y/N and uncle Niall. I love it'' he said hugging you guys.

''I go next'' Niall said picking the one that has your name on it.

''I love it, princess. I have been wanting this for so freaking long. Thank you'' Niall smiled kissing you. You got him tickets to one of his favorite soccer team and a new watch.

''Y/N, can I give you my gift outside?'' Niall asked making you confused. ''Okay, no, it's not anything sexual.'' he smirked. 

You followed him outside into the backyard and closing the door behind.

''Here it goes''

"I love you with all my heart. We've been with each other for years and my love for you grows more each year. You are a beautiful and caring person and have always been there for me 100% through the bad times.

My family adores you and I cannot imagine my life without you in it. I want you to be there with me for the rest of my life. I want you to be my traveling partner, my peanut butter to my jam, and my number 2 player in Mario cart'' 

He got on his one knee and you lost it.

''Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?'' Niall asked. You were sobbing uncontrollably. Was it possible to someone this much?

''YES, Niall.'' You smiled.

He slipped the ring on your finger and immediately kissed you. You could not believe you were going to be Mrs. Horan. You were so ready to start off your new life and the best part was you got to share it with your best friend, your soul mate, and someone who loves you uncontrollably.

hey, my little sunflowers!

I'm so sorry for the wait but here you guys go. Hope you guys enjoy! don't forget to vote and comment.

Love you guys!


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