Hi daddy

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"Mommy cmon let's go!" Sophie yelled from top stairs. Sophie was your and Niall's 5 years old daughter. Well, right now only yours. Niall left you guys when he found out you were pregnant. Saying it would ruin his career and life

I told Sophie who her dad is. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't tell my own daughter who her dad is. Today was her 5th birthday so I promised her that I'll take her out to eat and shop.

As we finished our lunch Sophie wanted to visit the toy store in the mall so I took her there. After getting 2 Barbie's and a Barbie dream house we exited the shop.

Next, we went to Topshop to buy some clothes. As we finished I was walking out with my hands full of bags. I looked down to something Sophie was showing and I bumped into somewhat muscular.

I looked up to see the ocean blue eyes who hurt me so much. "Daddy?" Sophie said leaving my hand and stepping forward. Niall kneeled down and cupped her cheeks "you-you know who I'm?" Niall asked tears sparkling in his eyes.

"Yes. You're my daddy, mommy told me about you" she said with her cute accent. "Sophie it's time to go," I said as she looked up at me with her big blue eyes. "Can Daddy come with us?" She asked with pouting.

I can't say no to that face so I said "sure". Niall smiled at me grabbing Sophie's hand and taking the bags from her. As we arrived Sophie immediately ran to her room to open her toys, leaving me and Niall alone together. "Y/n? how are you?" Niall asked "good" I answered above a whisper.

Only if he knew how I'm struggling. "Y/n, look I'm so sorry for leaving you-"
"No, you aren't" I spat, tears spilling from my eyes. "If you were you wouldn't leave me with Sophie alone. "

"Do you know how much it hurts when she asked me 'where's my daddy?' Do you know how much it hurts when she asks 'why don't I've got a daddy?' No, you don't cause you weren't there for me! You left, you fucking left!" I sobbed

At this moment Niall's eyes were glossy with water. But I didn't care. "Give me one more chance. I swear you won't regret. Sophie needs a dad, please" he said a few tears falling.

"I'm so sorry princess. That was probably the biggest mistake I've ever made. You won't believe how much I regret it" Niall said. I knew Sophie needs a father, but what if he leaves again? No, he wouldn't do that right?.

After a few moments I told him okay and I've never seen Sophie happier in her life when I said he could stay with her. Let's just say we stayed happily ever after.

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