Facts about me

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Hey, guys! It's been more than a year since I started this book and I thought it'd be great if you guys got to know me a little better. Enjoy!

-I don't have a middle name.

-I'm 15 years old

-I live in Toronto

-I'm a sophomore in high school

-I have a fear of rats and all animals of those kinds

-I used to hate One Direction when I was younger, but look at me now lol

-I have Diabetes (it sucks the living hell out of you)

-I have never been to a One Direction's concert or any of the boy's concert.(I'm going to Niall's concert next year!!)

-I'm the youngest in my family

-I want to visit Paris someday

-My favorite season is Summer and Autumn

- I have a very complicated relationship

-I love to take pictures

-My favorite food is Pizza and Burgers

-I have a sweet tooth

-I love to paint and do DIY's

-My favorite YouTuber is JessandGabriel (IT'S LIT SON get it? no? ok)


-I procrastinate a whole lot

-And lastly, I love you all so much and I'm so grateful that I've reached so far. 3.5K might not mean a lot to some people but it sure does to me. Thank you guys so much!

There ya go! hope you all enjoy! don't forget to vote and comment.

Love you all!


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