Midnight fight part 4

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Niall's P.O.V. 

Y/N left to go to her room while I booked her tickets. I really hope this works. While booking her tickets I can't help but shed a few tears.

It was never meant to be like this. We both were so happy but now look at us. Life has a weird way of working out.

I booked my princess a single first class seat at twelve at noon. I want to take my princess somewhere before she leaves.

I went up the hall to which is  my and Y/N's room, but for now only Y/N's. ''Come in''

''Hey, I booked your tickets at twelve at noon tomorrow'' I said.

''Thank you so much, Niall. I'll pay you back as-''

''Nu-uh it's okay princess. It's the least that I can do for you.''

she smiled motioning for me to sit.

''I was sorting out my clothes and I was wondering if you can help me?''

''Of course, princess.''

We were talking and sorting Y/N's clothes before she took a specific shirt. It was a shirt that I gave to her before leaving for tour.

 She said she wanted to keep it because it reminded her of me. Did I mention she looked smoking hot in that shirt?.

''This doesn't look like mine'' she said.

''Yeah that's because I gave it to you. You wanted something to remind you of me so I gave you my favorite shirt.''

She smiled going back to sorting out her clothes.

''Um- I was wondering if I could take you somewhere before you leave?'' I asked nervously 

''Of course, I'd love that.''.

-The next day-

We woke up a bit early today since I was taking Y/N to a very special place. 

''Ready?'' I asked while opening her door.

''Yup'' she said popping up the 'p'.

~20 minutes later~

''Niall, can you please for the sake of pizza tell me where we are going?'' she said making me laugh.

''Okay since you wanna know so bad, I'll give you a hint.  We are going to one of our favorites places.''

She smiled looking out.

After driving for another 15 minutes we came to a stop.

It was a beach that I rented for a few hours.

Y/N's P.O.V.

It was wow. Just wow. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the beach with no one in there. There was a round blanket with pom poms around it, there was pillows, blankets, fairy lights, the food you name it.

''Niall, this is amazing'' I said looking back to see he had a smile from ear to ear.

''Glad you like it'' he gave me his precious smile.

We stayed by the beach for 2 hours or so before wrapping everything up and leaving.

''You enjoyed it, princess?'' Niall asked.

''A lot. Thank you so much. I smiled.

After 20 minutes or so we stopped in front of our house. This was the last time I'd come to this house in a while.

Niall being the gentelman he is. he opened the door for me. After both of us changed, we sat down together to watch the telly. 

For some werid reasons I had a terrible headache. ''I'm gonna go up to my room and rest a bit'' I say getting up the couch.

''You okay, princess?'' he asked getting up with me.

''Yeah, I'm fine, I just have a terrible headache.'' I gave him a little smile.

''You go up and rest while I go and get some medicine for you, Okay?''

''Thank you, Ni''. He smiled.

~10 minutes later~

The pain just seems get worse and worse. I'm in the point where it's unbareable. Luckily, Niall got home and he gave me some Advil. Thank God for him.

''Rest princess. I got some other stuffs for you, but I'll give them to you when you feel better.'' he smiled kissing my forehead.

He closed the door and left, thats what I remember before darkness took over me.

~30 minutes later~

''Y/N'' someone wispered.

I opened my eyes to see it's Niall. ''Hey'' I mumbled.

''You feeling better, sleppyhead?'' He asked.

I nodded sitting up straight.

''You better start getting ready. Your flight leaves in two hour and it'll take forty minutes to get to the airport.'' He said walking out of the door.

Niall's P.O.V

I told Y/N to get ready since there is tons of traffic on the way. I sat on the couch sad since she was leaving, when all of sudden she came stomping down making me get up the couch.


''Niall, I'm really sorry for yelling at you.'' She said.

''What do you mean?'' I asked having no clue what's going on.

''I was mad and sad at the same time that you never spent time with me since you came home from the tour. But I should've talked to you before everything.'' 

''Y/N, what- oh my God. Princess, baby girl. Did you remember these stuffs?'' I asked running up to her and crashing her with a hug, her hugging me back.

''Niall I don't know what happened. You woke me up and I remembered all these stuffs.'' She cried.

''Shh, it's okay, princess. I'm so sorry for leaving you alone all those nights.'' I say few tears dropping.

''Shh it's okay baby boy. I love you so much, Neil.'' She said smiling.

''I love you more, princess.''

''You didn't get mad that I called ya Neil.'' She laughed.

''I love when you call me that, bub.'' I smiled leaning in.

She crashed her lips with mine leaving me breathless with butterflies. This girl can make me go crazy, but I'll still love her more by each passing day.

Later that day, I cancelled her tickets and we spent the whole entire day watching movies and pig out on junk food. Just like we used to.




-Mirtteka XO

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