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you guys are married

Your P.O.V

''mommy!mommy! wake up its Christmas'' your 3-year-old girl Sofie yelled jumping on yours and Niall's bed, while your 5-year-old Rafe is waking daddy up.

''I'm up!" Niall said cuddling his two precious children. You can't help but take a picture of them and post on Instagram with the caption 'Christmas morning cuddles with daddy! merry Christmas everyone!'

''Mommy come here too'' Niall said motioning you to come over. After some cuddling and laugh it was time to get up. While the kids have gone to their rooms to get ready Niall took no time to get over you and shower you with kisses.

''Merry Christmas princess'' he said in his sexy morning accent. ''Merry Christmas my prince.'' you said pushing him playfully off you. ''Hey!'' he said making you smirk. ''C'mon dress up''

After some waffles and bacon, you guys were ready to open up the presents. Both Sofie and Rafe got the things they wanted, let's just say Niall loves to spoil them. 

Lastly every Christmas it's a family tradition for you guys to get a family Christmas gift. And this year your gift was tickets to Hawaii.

The kids were soon up to their room playing with their toys which left you and Niall alone for some time. 

''I haven't given you my gift princess'' Niall said taking out a little blue box out of his pocket. ''I have you guys and that's all I need, Ni'' he smiled pecking your lips.

It was a charm bracelet with all the charms he had gotten from all the places he had the tour. ''It's beautiful Ni'' you said giving him a hug, ''did you like it?'' he asked '' I love it!''.

''Now my turn to give you my gift'' you cheered. you got him a teddy bear which speaks 'we love you daddy' in all of your's, Rafe's, and Sofie's voice. And you also gave him a watch.

''I love it, princess. Thank you so much'' he said pulling you for a kiss. Your sweet kiss soon turned into a makeout. You were so into each other you didn't hear both of you kids coming. 

''Ewwww!'' you heard they both yell which made you and Niall pull away. ''come here'' Niall called cuddling them. ''Christmas movies?'' you asked ''Christmas movies'' all three of them yelled making you laugh.

The kids were so into the movie when Niall poked your side ''I'm gonna show you how much I love you tonight baby'' he winked leaving you blushed.




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