Guitar lessons

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your p.o.v

''I'm bored'' you whined making Niall turn around. ''What do you wanna do? i'm bored as well''

'' I don't know maybe play some games?'' you suggested ''how about we play Jenga?! we bought one last month remember?'' he asked jumping out the sofa.

''Sure Ni'' you giggled at this point he was already on his way to bring the jenga. 

15 Minutes later

''I winnn! yeas knew it!'' you screamed as you did your funny little victory dance. ''You won because I let you too'' Niall smirked making your one eyebrow up. 

''Do you wanna learn guitar?'' he asked out of the blue. ''Sure why not'' you smiled as Niall went to get his guitar.

''okay si first let's learn about the guitar'' he instructed ''this is call fret, this is called sound hole-'' ''Niall I know those stuffs'' you laughed at how he was so serious about teaching you.

''Oh sorry princess.'' he giggled. ''okay so this is Em and its the easiest one ever'' he said as he placed your finger on the second and the third top strings.

''And there you go'' he said proudly watching you strum away some relations chords. ''Thank you for teaching babe'' you said giving him a sweet kiss. 

Onwards that day you and Niall practice guitar for at least an hour. He taught you how to some of one direction's songs which you're so proud of. And definitely he was much more proud to see his girlfriend play one of his songs.

hey guys! how was your christmas!? hope it was great. And hope you guys enjoy this short lil imagine.  please vote and comment! love ya all!

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