He's your guitar teacher

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You p.o.v

Your family and Niall's family was close as ever.  But you lost all the connections with him after he went to The X-Factor and got so popular. Whenever he'd come home he'd barely talk to you. He'd party and hang out with his other popular friends. That made you kind of uncomfortable to hang out him since you guys stopped hanging out for a couple of years. 

Well, that changed after you told your parents that you wanted to learn how to play guitar. They thought it would be perfect if Niall would teach you, then you guys would have some 'bonding' time. 

A few days ago Niall came home to stay for a few months in Mullingar before the band gets together from their break. ''Aw y/m/n it's lovely to see you!'' Mrs. Horan said before hugging your mom. ''Y/n you look beautiful my dear!'' Maura said hugging you too. ''Thank you! How are you doing?'' you smiled, 'I'm doing great. Thank you for asking'' she smiled. ''Have you met Niall? he just came from London a few weeks ago'' Maura said once you sat down. ''That's what we are here to talk about'' your mom smiled. ''I was thinking as Niall plays guitar if he could teach y/n. She wants to learn how to play'' your mom said.

''He'd love to teach his one of the closest childhood friends. Niall! can you come downstairs?'' she called. Soon a handsome boy came jogging down his brown hair styled to a side of his head. He'd always tell you how he didn't feel confident in his natural brown hair that's why he dyed it and now look at what a confident, perfect man he's turned into.

''Oh hey y/n'' he said smiling. God, he looks so amazing no! y/n stop it! he does not like you!. ''hi Niall'' you smiled back. ''So Niall y/n really wants to learn how to play guitar and I was hoping you could teach her.'' ''Yeah mum no problem. I'd love to teach her'' he smiled towards you.

''So you want to start now? we could start with my guitar'' he said you nodding. You followed him behind upstairs to his room which didn't change just became a little mature. 

''Let's start with the basics then'' he started going to his guitar which was hung on the side of his bed. ''So shall we start with knowing the guitar?'' he asked ''yeah sure''.

The next few days went by with him writing songs for their new album and teaching you guitar at the same time. You always got nervous when Niall would come really close to you to show you how to hold the chords perfectly.

''yeah go down to second fret hold string  B skip, G then go to the third fret and hold string D, and lastly onto the fourth fret and hold string A and there you go you got C'' he explained. ''Ahh this is so confusing'' you said resting your guitar the side.

Niall chuckled from the opposite side of the room putting his pencil down and coming towards you. ''Here let me show you babe'' he said his Irish accent clear through his voice. Niall sat behind you positioning himself so his hands can hold yours and with his other hand he can put your fingers on the correct string. Basically spooning you but while in a sitting position.

''And there we go!'' he said one he placed your last finger. ''Try it now'' he said his lips so close to yours. You quickly nodded turning your head. ''Y/n? you okay? your pulse is going crazy'' Niall said getting up from behind you and coming to your face to face.

''Ye-yeah I'm all right. It happens sometimes'' he nodded  ''hey I'm gonna leave now I'll see you later I guess.'' you smiled getting up, giving him a small hug and going out the door.

Shit. You were so close to Niall knowing you like him. For the next few days, you maintained your distance from Niall, talking to him as little as possible, and leaving as soon as possible. You're not trying to be rude, its just he doesn't like you back and if you talk to him, joke with him and all those fun stuff, you'll fall for him more and at the end, you'll be the one with a broken heart.

You were laying down on your bed when you got a text. It was from Niall. ''Wanna meet up in the coffee shop nearby your house in 15? :) x'' it says. A smile crept up on your face. You quickly typed in ''Sure! see you in 15 :)x'' and left to get a perfect outfit.

You settled down with black skinny jeans, black and white striped t-shirt and white converse. You put your hair in a high messy ponytail and walking out the door. You arrived at the coffee shop to see Niall already sat there looking anxious. 

What if he doesn't want to teach you guitar anymore? what if he's leaving for the tour? all those what if's were going through your head. 

you walked in with him hugging you. ''Nice to see you love'' he said, ''you too''. ''So what's up?'' you asked wanting to know why he was so nervous. ''Erm I was thinking maybe we shouldn't do this anymore'' he stated. You scrunched up your face not know what he's trying to say.

''Do what?'' you asked. ''You know me teaching you guitar. You're a great girl y/n but-'' ''it's okay. I get it. Thank you for giving me those lessons. Bye Niall'' you said. ''Y/n wait!'' he yelled but it was too late.



-Mirtteka xx

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