Rainy days

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I woke up with my alarm clock blasting that horrible sound right in my ears. I rolled around seeing the clock read 7:15 AM. 

"Oh, shit" I whispered underneather my breath as I got up and ran out the door to my bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and did my business before going back to the room to change into my work clothes.

 "There is no way I can be late. This is your dream job interview, Y/N. Get it together" I said to myself.

I opened my curtains a little bit to see the weather when I realized it was pouring rain. Oh fuck. Pouring rain in New York City isn't something I hoped to see for my visit.

I somehow managed to get dressed and went out the door before I could have a chance at grabbing some breakfast. 

''Taxi'' I called out to the bright yellow cab which looked brighter today due to the dark grey clouds covering the entire city. 

Finally, the car pulled up in front of a tall glass building. 

''Thank you so much." I smiled at the driver.

I walked through the big glass doors and into a beautiful lobby. 

''Hello, I have an interview with um...Mr. Horan at 8:45" I smiled at the blonde girl at the desk.

"Ah yes please take the elevator to the 15th floor and he will be there shortly."She smiled back pointing at the elevator.

I went up the elevator and sat in the lounge room waiting for Mr.Horan to come. I wasn't sure what to think as I have never seen him.

Looking at my wristwatch, I still had around thirty minutes before my interview so I decided to go down and grab a coffee.

-- 15 minutes later--

I got my coffee from the coffee stall nearby and went back so I don't get late to my interview.

I walked through the door looking at my watch to see what time is it when I bumped into someone. 

''Oh my god, I am so sorry," I said while he looked up from his well now a coffee stained shirt.

 ''Oh boy that's a big stain," he said looking back to me. He lifts his arm up trying to wipe some of the coffee out and I could just see his muscles bulge through his tight fitted shirt.

''I am sorry. Please let me get you another shirt.'' I said feeling guilty. 

''No no no it's fine. Don't worry about it." He chuckled making me smile.

"To be honest, I actually like this shirt with the stain on better than it's original state." He smiled making me laugh.

''Well, I am glad you like it. Piece of a art, eh? Anyway, bye." I smiled.

I went back upstairs and sat in the lounge area just think how handsome this random guy was.

Out of the blue, the same guy walked in still drenched in my spilt coffee and went into the room that reads ''Mr.Horan". Tell me I didn't spill coffee on Mr.Horan, the person responsible for my career. 

A young woman came out from behind the desk asking me to follow her to Mr.Horan's office and I did.

''Mr.Horan you have a guest." the young women smiled and left.

''Ah if it's not the wonderful woman who made me love my shirt even more." He said standing up and shooking my hands. 

''I am so sorry,'' I said feeling embarrassed.

''It's fine. Don't even worry'' he said pulling the chair and asking me to sit.

--30 minutes later--

''Y/N you're a quite talented girl and I think this company would be delighted to have you.''

"Thank you so much, Mr.Horan. This means a lot to me." I smiled delightfully.

"Please call me Niall and welcome to the company.'' He said smiling back.

After signing some documents and papers, it was official. I got the job I have been dreaming about for as long as I could remember.

''Um Y/n, do you want to maybe grab some dinner later?'' he asked his cheeks turning a deep shade of pink.

"Um yes sure," I said.

The night went perfectly. Niall is such a gentleman. He told me stories about when he moved to New York almost ten years ago and how has a little nephew. After dinner, he wanted me to show central park so we decided to go for a little walk.

''Hey look I know you just got the job today and I am your boss but I don't want you to feel weird or uncomfortable. We are only going to do this if you want to." He said holing my little pinkie with his.

''I want this to work, Niall.'' I smiled seeing him smile ear to ear.

''You took my breath away this morning, miss. I really like you, Y/N." he smiled touching our foreheads.

"I really like you too, Niall."

We slowly leaned in and as our lips touch, I felt that feeling in my stomach that I have only read about and let me tell you this, it is one of the best feelings in the world. 




-Mirtteka xo

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