Football And Being Late

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The next couple days passed in a blur. Everyone was piled with homework and new schedules. I woke up Brandon every morning. Though I didn't ask what had happened between him and Violet. She had a hissy fit everytime they'd talk. But the perk of that was him and I were getting closer. Every morning he'd ask me to go running with him. I decline of course because... Running

Tammys poetry class starts earlier than any of the other club offers so she was busy every hour after school. Violet continued to ignore me every chance she got, which was embarrassing because we had the same English class together. So when I'd ask about overlooking the notes together she'd growl and walk off. 

Lily and I were awaiting the confirmation of the performing arts club we wanted to join. Mark and Annabeth were also waiting for their letter for the cooking club. Speaking of clubs.. 

Chris and Colt threw around the ball every chance they got preparing for football season. They even offered Brandon to play a few tosses to help with his workout routine, which turned into a full on football game. Now, we were all hanging out in the front yard playing football on our Saturday afternoon.

"Tammy! Ashley! Arent you guys gonna play?" Colt asked, squatting down while he held tightly to the football. "No thank you!" Tammy replied, still working on her poetry. She had to present a poem to the class on Monday so she couldn't have any distractions, But I had begged her enough to come hang out with us while she did it. 

"Ash? What about you?" Colt persisted, Now holding onto the ground for support. "If I play with you guys! Then who will take the pictures?" I held up my camera. 

"Alright, take the pictures! Then you can come play one round, at least!" He said looking forward again. "Alright lets get this game started!.. Hut hut!" He called out, tossing the ball to Annabeth. I continued to snap and look up every once in a while enjoying their game. 

I looked over to Violet who was painting a daisy near the pathway of the house. I didnt understand how she could hate me so much for hanging out with Brandon. I really hate not knowing things.. 

I squinted, looking to her drawing. This girl had so much talent! I'm surprised her paintings weren't displayed in art shows. I wonder if she even trys to present them in places like that.

Just then I heard two bodies collide in a very unpleasant way. I looked over to see Chris laying over Brandon who was knocked down to the floor. 

"We need a nurse!" Lily screamed in a trembling voice. Tammy and I looked over more intensive, Chris had gotten off him but Brandon still laid there. My heart dropped and I stood up without hesitation and sped off to him, wrapping my camera strap around my neck. Violet ran over too, dropping her supplies. 

"Chill guys, I only hit my head." Brandon sat up onto his arm, keeping a hand on his head. "You ONLY hit your head?" Annabeth shrilled. "Sorry man, Guess I dont know my own strength." Chris stated with just a hint of a pleased tone.

"Ash could you get him some ice? Its behind the chicken.. in the freezer." Mark asked, trying to examine his head. "Y-yeah sure." I glanced to Violet who seemed all to please to have me away while she held Brandon. 

"Really, Guys! I'm okay! I feel like an idiot but I'm okay" He insisted but winced when Mark touched his head. "You could have a concussion you twit.." Violet warned, keeping him on her lap. 

I got up, looking back at him then ran to the fridge. I grabbed an ice pack and some water just in case. I went into a drawer and got out a small thin towel, wrapping the ice packet inside.  

I ran back out to see he was sitting in my lawn chair while everyone crowded him. I walked over and handed him to ice. 

He smiled and grabbed it, touching my hand in the process. I almost pulled it away because it let out a large spot of heat. He continued to smile as he put it on his bump, but then hissed slightly as it stung. 

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