Spending Time With Her

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"Brooke?" I whispered unsure, standing up more. "Hey-ya Ash! You miss your Best Friend?" She called tilting her head, leaning against the white fence with a huge smile.

"Oh my- Brooke!" I screamed jumping out of the pool. I didnt care to grab a towel as I rushed over. I carefully stepped to the side so I wouldnt slip and unlocked the gate.  She back up so I can move the fence open and I jumped on her. She let out a surprised scream as we fell back into the grass. 

"What the heck are you doing here?!" I shrieked sitting up, moving off to the side of her but hugging her again. "This is totally unexpected!" I stood up, helping her stand as well.

"What? A girl cant visit her Best Friend?" She laughed, brushing off her wet tanktop. "Oh crap, Sorry." I muttered with a little giggle, wiping it off. "I'll just- loan you a shirt." She chuckled and unpinched the shirt. 

"Wait did something happen at home? Your mom usually doesnt let you go on the plane without somebody" 

"I ran away?" She joked, pushing away some wet strands of hair. I gave her a knowing face. "Okay theres been.. things going on with the whole lawyer business and I told her about how amazing it was here and how great you were doing in school." She was totally lying to her mom. She showed me a shameful smile. 

"Liar.." I exhaled softly, wrapping my arms around my semi-chilly body. "I know! I'm an awful person, But I'll tell you more about it later. I've missed you soooooo much." She hugged me again, Trying to change the subject. 

I rolled my eyes and squeezed her back. "I've missed you too" She must've forgot I was still wet because she backed up looking at her drenched shirt again. 

I glanced beside her to see suitcases, "You moving in?" I joked curiously. "If you'll have me." She rolled her eyes and grinned. I made a 'Why not' face and looked her up and down. She was wearing a yellow wet tanktop and some blue jean shorts. With some black converse, Her hair was curled naturally and of course she is beautiful like usual.

"Introduce me to your roomies!" She exclaimed, pulling on my arm then looked to the pool. 

"Oh Yeah! Come in!" I smiled, glancing over. We grabbed her stuff and pulled it to the side. I opened the gate and we walked inside. Everyone seemed to have paused and swam towards the side of the pool, chatting among themselves. I closed the gate behind us and pulled her to my side. We walked mid-way before I spoke.

"Hey guys! So I know this is really unexpected but you know how I told you about this blonde chick I knew back home." She glanced towards me with a proud smile.

"-Well this is her, This is Brooke!" I hugged her side obnoxiously. She waved and shouted a huge "Hey" Everyone smiled and exclaimed their hellos. I looked over to Chris who was of course checking her out. I growled at him and pulled her to my side protectively. She sent me a odd gaze but endured it. 

Annabeth wrapped a towel around her and walked up with a grin. She wiped her wet face with the towel and shook some water out of her hair. 

Then she gasped, "This is the girl from your scrapbook you showed me! Its so awesome to meet you! I'm Annabeth!" She shook her hand excitedly. "Brooke" She introduced herself with a grin.

Tammy and Lily walked up and soon everyone had introduced themselves. When Brandon walked up, she took a good look at him almost studying him. I realized she was examining him for me when she glanced over to me with a smirk. Brandon kept a good eye on me probably getting Brookes attention about it.

Chris was last because he was sitting back in his chair, probably enjoying the view. She slowly walked towards him. Maybe out of curiosity as to why he hadn't introduced himself yet but seemed to have his interest on her. "And.. You are?" Brooke asked a little flirtatiously as she leaned against the fence.  

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