Dinner With The Principal

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Speaker: "Ashley Adams, Please report to the principals office. Thank you" 

"Oooohh" The class sang like a choir. I glanced at them, "Immature much?"

"I heard she got in trouble for skipping school" A blond bimbo whispered. "I heard she's been threatening Mr. O'mason for sex." Is this guy serious?! 

"I heard she was in a fight with Bridget and made her go into a coma for a week." Another girl whispered.

"Um you guys know I can hear you right?" I said out loud catching everyones attention.

"Okay class, that's enough. Ashley you are excused." Mrs. Kareheart, My Teacher, said. I nodded, picking up my stuff and wrapping my backpack around me.

"Bye skank." I heard a girl say. I turned around glaring at the room full of kids snickering. I made a 'Psh' sound, gave them the finger and left to the office. 

I knocked on Mr Lyons door. "Come in." I heard the muffled voice say. I opened the door giving a cautious smile, he gave one in return. I walked in closing the door behind me, sitting down in the chair in front of him dropping my bag onto the floor.

"So you wanted to see me?" He smiled widely. "Yes I did." "So what's up?"

"Well I've felt terrible the whole week after what you did. I didn't like giving you suspension, but as a principal it was my duty. Do you understand?"

"Oh yes of course. And last week was definitely not my week." I pointed out.

"I'm sure it wasn't and I kept thinking about how you said you fought Bridget for her not saying something disrespectful about me. But fightings still bad!!" He reminded me.

"But it was very dumb and sweet." I looked up and smiled.

"So my wife and I would like to invite you to dinner tonight. I know its short notice and..."

"I'd love to." I interrupted excitedly. "Great! My wife will be cooking and Let me say she's more than amazing." He proudly said.

"Cant wait. Do I get picked up or do I get your address." I asked. "Are you going to eg my house?" He laughed.

"That depends." I joked. "Well come here at the end of the day and you can have the address."


"Hey guys." Someone said from behind us. We all turned around and saw Drake smiling.

"Drake? What are you doing here?" Annabeh asked with confusion. He turned to the side to show his backpack.

"I'm going to this school as of today." Everyone cheered.

"Welcome Drake. I cant believe you're here." I smirked. He winked and gave a small smile. Everyone talked endlessly about him being there. I'm glad for them.

"Whatever we're through!" I heard someone yell capturing everyones attention.

"No we are not! Come back here!" I saw that Bridget and Jerry were fighting. "Goodbye Bridget!!" He yelled walking away with his hands in his pockets. "This is not over!!" She screamed.

He walked by us and looked at Brooke winking. She scrunched her face in disgust and stuck her tongue out. He chuckled walking away.

Chris scrunched his hands into a fisr. He was obviously still mad about what happen with Brooke and him or he was just jealous. I saw Brandon Pat his shoulder which seemed to calm him down. 'Hmm'

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