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"Are you ok to go back to school?" He asked with concern. "Yes." I giggled.

"For the hundredth time. If I see him again I'll just kick him in the no-no spot" Brandon clutched in between his legs, as if he felt the pain. Rolling my eyes I smiled. 

"Come on lets get to the balls. SCHOOL! I'm meant school..." I uttered. He raised a brow, smirking. "Come on Mrs. Balls" "Ugh!!" He just laughed as we drove to the school.


"Yay, Lunch! Food, Nom Nom Nom!" Annabeth squealed looking at her pizza. "Eat it, See I'll show you how." Brooke said shoving a little bit in her mouth. "Nope." She said before shoving half of it in her mouth. 

"Sexy Annabeth." Chris joked. She just smiled showing the cheese and pasta sauce gush out.

"Ew shove that thing back where it came from or So help me...."  Brooke groaned. I stiffed a laugh. "Dude you just quoted that line from Monsters Inc." She thought about it for a second then we all burst out laughing. 

"What's all this commotion about?" A voice said from behind. We turned to see a girl named Jessica, Bridget's best friend.

"Oh hi Jessica, Wheres that hoe you hang with. What's her name... Oh yeah Bridget." Violet smirked

"If you must know, Nosy. She moved away. She was an a$$ anyways. I'm the popularist girl in school now. That's all that matters." Her little bratty way showed. We all looked at each other surprised. 

"Yay! Yes!! Thank god... Oh my gosh, finally!" Everyone screamed. "Mkay bye." Violet said to Jessica. "Bye nerds." She said going to the popular table. 

"I wonder why she moved?" Tammy asked surprised. "Who cares why she's gone. Thank god!" Chris commented, sipping his soda.

"True, That's funny she left so early in the year though." I said. "Psshh it's not like you guys liked each other. Weren't you the one to give her the beat down of her life?" Brooke laughed. 

"Don't judge, she was annoying." I shrugged. They all laughed getting back to their food.

"You know it's funny. This is the last year that we go to school." Lily stated.

"Oh yeah, We'll all be out in the real world in just a couple months." Mark replied. We all shrugged, "I just hope that I get a football scholarship this year. I heard a scout is coming and I need that opportunity." Colt told us. 

"Put in a good word for me, When you get high up." Chris chuckled, nudging Colt a little.

"You know what's really scary. That we won't see each other everyday anymore." I sighed. A look of realization hit them. 

"Yeah but lets promise to get together." Brandon stated. "Deal!" Everyone cheered putting their hands in the middle of the table, raising it up high, laughing to ourselves. 

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