Brandon's Party

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"Whoa what's going on?" Brooke asked, crossing her arms. "Um nothing?" I said nervously. "No I saw you guys kissing. Are you together?" She smirked. "Kinda." Brandon said rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh thanks goodness. You guys make the cutest couple. The nerd and the popular girl. How sweet." She teased pinching our cheeks. We slapped her hands away and rubbed our cheeks.

"Hey I'm not a popular girl and hes sure as heck not a nerd." I stood up for him. "Keep telling yourself that. Anyways I wont tell the others, But you give me details about it later." She whispered the last part. She got her phone, Obviously that's what she was coming down for. Then she went back upstairs, not before winking at both of us. "Ugh Brooke...."

Brandons Pov.

"This party is amazing you guys, thank you So much!" I said to everyone. "Your welcome. It took us a week to get it started and to get you the perfect gifts." Ashley replied sweetly. "I'm glad. But how did you guys do it?" "Well....."

Earlier that week/Ashley's Pov...

"So, what do you think Brandon would like for his birthday next week?" Annabeth asked. We were currently in the mall looking for Brandons birthday gift for his party next week.

"Well he does like meat? Maybe there's a meat basket." Brooke replied. I glared at her playfully, shaking my head in a laughing manner. "Do any of you know what your getting him?" Colt said to us. "I do." Tammy said. "Me too." I replied.

"What are you getting?" Chris asked as we stopped to take a breather. "Let's get a bite to eat." Violet exclaimed. We all headed towards the line at Panda express. "So what are you getting him?" Chris repeated.

"It's something he's wanted for a very long time now." I said happily. "Care to explain?" Brooke said. "Nope." I said popping the 'P'

"Come on give us hints." Mark whined. "Fine it's expensive." "Great clues." Violet mumbled. 

"Hey it's a surprise to everyone, okay?" Everyone groaned and turned to the menu. "What about you Tams?" Annabeth smiled. "It's a big pack of beef jerky." Everyone stared at her. "What?" She blushed. "Really? Beef jerky?" Colt said.

"No it's not Just beef jerky. It's the world's finest and it has every kind in each pack. Which is about 20 packs." She claimed. Everyone looked back to the menu. "That's cool." Mark commented.

We got our food and sat at a empty booth. "So you guys don't even have an idea of what to get?" Brooke said munching on a some chicken.

"I do. I'm getting him some shoes with superman on it." Chris said. I put my eyebrow up, he noticed and chuckled.

"It's white with superman on it. Its a converse and many superman colors. With of course birthday money on the side." I nodded and ate my orange chicken. "I'm thinking about getting him a 50 dollar iTunes card." Colt said. "Good choice babe." Lily blurted out. He kissed her cheek and went back to eating. 

"I'm getting him all the Kingdom Heart's games. Just a whole bunch of video games to be precise." Mark said munching on a egg-roll.

"What seriously! those games are the bomb. He better let me play." I commented. He smiled showing the chewed up food. I shook at the gross image, making him laugh. "Gross Mark." Tammy said hiding her face in her hands making him laugh harder. 

"I'm getting him a blue hoodie with earphones on the sides on the coat." Violet said sipping her Ice tea. I nodded, smiling a bit.

"I'm making him a batch of sweet's. Cookies, candy's and home made pie." Lily blurted out. "Aw how thoughtful babe." Colt said putting his nose on her cheek making her giggle. "You guys are To cute." Annabeth called out. Violet and Mark looked at each other making a gagging face then went back to eating. 

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