Bikinis and Beaches

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"Oh my gosh, that was way more fun than sitting in my room crying." I laughed to Brandon as we were leaving the carnival. "I think anything's better than that." He chuckled. "True."

"Well tomorrows Sunday. What are you gonna do?" I thought for a minute.

"Well since Summer is coming. I have to get my tan on and go to the beach. Maybe take a couple photos for the casting calls." I smiled thinking about it.

"May I join?" He asked nudging my arm. "You really don't have to ask, But yes. I also wanted to bring the gang." "Aw I wanted to be the only one see you in a bikini." He smirked.

I blushed, "Haha not gonna happen Nerd." He scoffed dramatically, "The names Mr. Charming. Please use it." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, Mr. Charming. Lets get to bed." I said looking up as we were already at the house.

"To bed? You mean you and I, bed? Man you move fast. I like it!" He wiggled his eyebrow. "Oh stop being so sexual and get in." I laughed. He smiled, unlocking the door. We gave each other a quick peck before rushing off to our beds.


"Wanna go to the beach?" I asked. Everyone turned to me looking at me confused. "What?"

"That has to be the most randomest thing you said... today." Mark told me.

"Hey! Actually... that's true. But come on. I want to go." I begged. They looked at each other, "Sure I guess. Its 11 in the morning though. Do we have time?" Brooke asked.

"Of course we do. Lets get ready fast." Violet grunted playfully. We all rushed to our rooms grabbing whatever we needed.

"Ok sunblock?"







"Yep. Can we go already?"

"Is that everything?" Chris asked me. I looked around, "Car!" We both shouted before doing a genius high-five.

"Brooke your boyfriend and I think alike!" I screamed for no apparent reason.

"Why do I care again?" She said walking into the room with a towel draped over her shoulder. "No reason, Just thought you should know." I smiled before going to the kitchen.

"Ashley, should we bring food or...?" Mark asked. "Hmm, maybe we'll go for burgers or something. If you'd like?"

"You know me to well. Come on Anna!" He called rushing out. I walked to the living room, "Somebody help me!" Violet screamed violently. My eyes went wide as I went to her. She was stuck under some towels and other things, It seems everyone threw it on her.

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