Study Weekend

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The door swung open and we turned to see a flashlight flashing in our eyes, and the security guard with a scowl on his face. "You guys are coming with me...."                                  

"Thanks..." I said sadly on the phone before I hung it up. The police man assorted me to the cell again and I looked down shamefully. "Its ok Ashley, We'll be fine." Brooke said patting my shoulder. I put my face in my hands, "Who did you call?" Brandon asked. "Mr Lyons." I groaned. Everyone gasped. "I'm dead"


"Hello Ashley..." Mr Lyons teeth clenched. I looked up slightly then back down, "Hello Sir..." 

"Hello Kids." Mrs. Lyons crossed her arms. "Hello..." Everyone else said awkwardly. Mr. Lyons looked around the office, the one we pranked. 

"Should I question this?" He asked pinching the bridge of his nose. "Well we-" Brooke tried to explain but was cut off by Mrs. Lyons hand being put up. 

She looked up at her husband, "You all have a one week detention. Since the graduation is coming I wont note it on your records. Go home all of you, Ashley you stay here. I'm not done with you." He said.

They nodded fearfully and walked out looking back at me. I turned to watch them go with a nervous expression on my face. 

"Good Luck." Colt whispered before shutting the door. I let out a light breath before turning to see their scowling face and crossed arms. 

"Um hi.." I said again, clearing my throat at my nervous voice. "Hello.." They said again. I looked around the room, with the lights on it was finally clear to see our work. We finished almost the whole thing but we were caught before we could finish it.

"Ashley.." Mr. Lyons began. "Please tell me why?" I knew what he was talking about and let out a simple sigh. 

"Well the gang and I... I mean I  had a plan. It was to have a prank because I thought we needed to do something fun before school ended. It was stupid because it was risky but it was worth it. We all had fun, I really was out there and I'm not afraid to do anything anymore. So you can punish me any way you like." I smiled when I stopped.

They both looked at each other, "Well, I see now." He said, I held my breath for my punishment. "A one week detention beside your friends. I'm sure that you'll try to be good in there?"

I let out a little laugh, walking towards him giving him a hug, "I will.. Dad." I smiled. He hugged me back rubbing my back soothingly. "Well good, It best you'd go and catch up to your friends." He chuckled.

I nodded and went to hug Mrs. Lyons. "Night Mom." "Good night Ashley."

"What happened! Are you okay?" Everyone screamed as I walked in. "Guys calm down, I'm fine." I chuckled putting my coat back up on the coat rack. 

"Well..." Brooke pushed forward. "I get the same amount of detention as you guys. Nothing more." I smiled, Everyone squealed with delight.  "I know its great!" 

"Well I am pleased and all but now I'm heading to bed, Night!" Violet told us heading upstairs. "Yeah tomorrows Friday. Oh and guys, before you go, We have the big test next week. We have to study All weekend and week. No acceptations." Annabeth pointed out. 

"Wont be hard since we have detention" I mentioned. Everyone nodded and headed up the stairs. Except Brandon and I. 

"Are you really okay?" He asked when everyone was out of sight. "Unless you mean being in detention for a week, Having to study all week for a test next week and get ready for the movie than yes, I'm okay." I laughed out. He smiled.

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