A New Year

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"5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy new year!" The world yelled. It was the beginning of a new year and my world was gonna change. 


February 1 2015....

"Hey guys football season is coming. Gonna work on that football scholarship. So, I have to head to practice! See ya later. Come on Chris!" Colt yelled.

"Bye!" I yelled trying to fix my camera. A week ago Mark tripped spilling water all over it. So he so thoughtfully kept it to himself until yesterday and I've been trying to see if it works ever since. 

"Dam you Mark." I grumbled to myself. I shoved a new pair of batteries in and dried every place I could. I even put it in dry rice to suck up the water.

"Ok lets try you out now." I said to the inanimate object. I clicked on and saw the screen turn on. "Hallelujah! Its alive!" I sang. "Whats alive?" Chris asked walking by.

"My camera. And aren't you a little late for something?" "Yep. Bye!" He said leaving. I rolled my eyes, smiling and looked over the camera again. 

"Hey babe. What'ca doing?" Brandon asked pecking my cheek as he came in. "Just fixed my camera. See, she lives." I said putting it up to his face.

"Congrats. Hey I'm heading to the gym. Mind telling Mark that he needs to pick up the food. Bye!" He waved heading towards the door.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa" I put down my camera rushing towards him, "The gym?"

"Yeah it's a place where people exercises." He smirked. "No duh! I'm saying, Why are you going to the gym?" 

"Its my New years resolution." He replied. "Oohh are you one of those people that say they're going to the gym but goes and gets ice cream or that person who says they're going to the gym, them get lazy and stop?" 

He chuckled. "None, I'm actually going because I see that everyones determined to do their dream job. You want to be an actress, Colt and Chris want to be quarterbacks, Mark wants to be a chef, I mean I want to be a sport model. So I need to look hot." He explained. 

"Ah, well good luck with that." I said going back to the couch. "Thanks I'm gonna need it." He sighed. "Achieve your dream babe!!" I yelled as he left. 

"Mark!! Get food!" I laughed to myself.


"Brooke!!... Brooke!!... I'm bored!!" I yelled lazily laying on my bed. I heard the door open but didn't look at it.

"What?" She sighed. "I'm... bored... big time!"  "Well take some pictures. You use to do that when you were bored, now that you have a new camera. You can use it." She smiled. I sat up, pushing some hair out of my face, "It's a video camera. Not a regular camera." 

"It's not just a video camera, it's a camera with a video cam. Duh!" She said. I stuck my tongue out like a child. "Ashley, I seriously think you're drunk." She said confused. 

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