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"Wow so you're saying that you want me to be in a movie!!" I squealed with excitement.

"Uh huh but first I have to see you're acting skills. You have the looks now I need to see the talent." She said winking playfully. 

"Wow, I actually wanted to be in a movie. I was just preparing myself to go to casting calls." I said still shocked. 

"Well you got a personal call." She smiled. I looked up to see a handsome man behind her, watching me. She noticed my confusion and looked back, chuckling.

"That's my partner, Drew. Drew! Come here darling." 

He rushed over smiling, he put his hand out. "Nice to meet ya." To my surprise I instantly knew he was Gay. "Oh hi." I laughed. 

"So are you interested?" "Oh yeah, definitely." I smiled.

"Great! Here's my card. Call me when you need to, Ok?" 

"Yeah of course." "Great, Well we'd better be going. Hope I get a call from you soon, Cio" She got up and walked off with Drew. I took a quick look at her.

She had dark creme colored skin, dark brown hair and brown eyes. Her hair was a little lower to her shoulders, She had beautiful curves and white teeth every time she smiled. (Halle Berry)

I also looked at Drew. He had tan skin, green eyes, short styled brown hair. He had a strong figure and loads of muscles. Like I said handsome guy. (Channing Tatum)

"Who was that?" Brandon asked coming up to me.

"Oh my gosh, you'll never believe who that was!" He chuckled, "That's why I asked." 

"It was Marie Charlotte. One of the biggest directors out there. She finds actors slash actresses, for movies and directs them. She came to me personally. Wow!" I squealed thinking about it

"Oh..." My excitement stopped when I saw his face drop. I pulled his chin towards me. "Whats wrong?" 

"Well, nothing.." "Come on tell me Brandon." He sighed. "I'm gonna miss you. If you do go" 

"Ah But It will be ok." He smiled a bit, making me grin. I looked up to see a bucket above us, Chris was smirking. "Uh oh."

Before Brandon and I could react. Sea water was dumped on us, drowning us with cold salt water. 

"You are so dead!" We screamed together, before lifting ourselves up chasing our group that was laughing at his actions. 

"Okay on your Mark-" "Yeah?!" Mark called out.

"We didn't call you!" Brandon yelled back. "Oh ok!" He yelled.

"Anyways on your Mark-" "What?!"

"Mark We aren't calling you!" We screamed. "Then stop saying my name!" He replied back.

"Okay here we go. On your mark, Get Set, Go!" I screamed quickly as me and Brandon rushed to the splashing shores. Mark called out again but I ignored it. 

The sand kicked up every step, the wind blew my hair out of sorts, I loved this. Brandon and I, just having fun together. 

I didn't notice I was ahead till he picked me up, I squealed with surprise. He ran into the water which was freezing but I didn't mind. I laughed with him as he spun me around, water hitting people. He put me down but I just fell over into the water. 

"Dizzy head" He smiled helping me up. "You spun me!" I defended, spitting out the salty water. 

"And yet You fell." He grinned. "Whatever. Oh and I won" He shook his head, "Nope, I did." He popped the 'P' 

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