Lunch And Dinner

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This chapter is dedicated to arrows_ (_Rock_Roll_Repeat_). She's awesome and go check out her story! Hope you enjoy the chapter

I looked around the lunch area trying to spot my friends. I wonder if they even sat together at lunch? I lost Tammy on the way here, She so small I barely saw her leave.

I stood in the lunch line while I looked around. "Put in your pin sweetheart" The lunch lady instructed. I turned around to see it was my turn, "Oh sorry." I looked down at the little paper in my hand with my code on it and punched it into the machine. I grabbed a tray and shoved the paper into my shorts pocket. 

I noticed Mark was a few feet in front of the line, grabbing some chips. I'd better follow him.. I grabbed some Dr. Pepper, chips, some fries, some apple slices and a corn dog. Quickly I handed some money to the cashier and rushed up to Mark. 

I tapped his shoulder, "Hi" I smiled. He looked down to me and grinned, "Hey Ashley. You sitting with us?" He asked, trying to hold his tray normally, It was packed. He looked down at it, "Dont worry. Its not ALL for me. Some of this is Annabeths. She caught up trying to register us for cooking classes!" 

I looked back up to him, "No judgment here." I giggled, waving off his shame. "-Could I tag along to your table?" 

"Of course! Follow me and uh.. try not to get lost." He grinned before speed walking, gesturing for me to follow. I had just noticed the place was packed, it was hard to get through the crowd of teenagers. 

I hit into several people on the way there but I felt I hit someone especially hard, well more like they hit into me. I steadied myself and the tray, "Sorry" I glanced up, only to see those girls again. 

"Watch where you're going!" The girl Bridget shouted, getting a few peoples attention. "Sorry." I apologized again, suddenly self conscious as she looked me up and down. 

"Nice outfit.." I looked down to my white shorts and grey tanktop. She started to walk away, "Tubby.." She mumbled.

"Excuse me?" I turned around, looking at the back of her head. "You heard me." She looked back to me, smirking proudly. Annabeth grabbed my elbow, pulling me away, "Walk away... Dont look back! Nope, Come on!" 

"Whats her problem?" I asked fixing my knocked down soda. She continued to pulled me but changed her hand position to my wrist, "She found a new ally.. You. She likes a new challenge with the newbies. So uh, dont make contact with her." Her hair bobbed back and forth as she shoved people out of the way, making a path for my tray and I. Finally we found the table at the far corner of the cafeteria. 

"Hey guys" I smiled looking to see everyone in a group. Annabeth sat next to Mark, to which he began giving her some of the food he had gotten. 

I sat beside her and Chris. I set my tray down and dropped my bag on the floor behind me, I pushed it in a little so no one would kick it down. 

"Hey I lost ya there for a bit" Mark commented, flustered. "I've noticed.. Good thing I picked her up on the way" Annabeth uttered, giving me a look. I think she didnt want me to tell what had just happened back there and to be honest I wouldnt make a fit about it.

"Anywho, How was your first day Ash?" Annabeth asked opening her soda. "Fine.. Oh except for P.E. Yeah I raced Brandon and realized it wasn't a good idea. Running sorta sucks" I rubbed my hands on my legs trying to warm them up after touching the cold soda. 

"Yeah cause I won." Brandon hummed proudly, setting his tray down on the opposite side of me. 

"Yeah, You won the metal for the smelliest person on the planet." He glared at me, "Not true." He sat down, pointing at me. I looked above him to Violets scowling face, She sat next to him as close as possible. 

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