Playing Tag With The Boys

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"Surprise!!!" The room yelled. Everyone came to me giving me hugs, noogies, shaking of hands and congratulating me. "Thanks everyone!" I yelled. Everyone cheered and went back to what they were doing. I looked around the room for a sec.

What I saw was a huge room with neon lights everywhere and on everything you see. The flashing lights jumped off the disco ball. The tables and dance floor was filled with people. A DJ had a headphone at the side of his face jamming to 'Cant Hold us.' Balloons were everywhere and the smell of meat filled my nose.

"Come on. Let's go find your table." Ashley yelled over the loud music. I nodded and took her hand as she guided me through the crowd. We finally stopped at a big booth and I saw my best friends. "Hey. Did ya miss us?" Colt laughed.

"Defiantly!" "Well come on sit down." Annabeth said. Everyone scooted down and I sat next to Chris and Ashley. "Do you like the party?" Violet asked. The music turned down a bit so we can talk normal again.

"This party is amazing you guys, thank you So much!" I said to everyone. "Your welcome. It took us a week for us to get it started and to get you the perfect gifts." Ashley replied sweetly. "I'm very glad. How did you guys do it?" "Well....." She told me the story leaving out the presents part. 

"Whoa you guys are to awesome." "I know." Mark said filling his face with chicken. "Whoa they have chicken?!" I said slamming my hands on the table in disbelief.

"Brandon they have a table full of meat. Ashley how about you show him the Tri Tip." Brooke said with a wink. We rolled our eyes and scooted out of the booth. We headed towards the meat filled table. Tri Tip, chicken, steak and sandwiches with different meats inside. 

"Yum. Let's get some." I said grabbing a plate. "Hey don't eat all of it. Pig!!." Ashley exclaimed. "There just happens to be pig here." She giggled. I laughed and looked at her beautiful face.

"You did this didn't you?" I smiled. "Yes I did. Now I'm going to steal all the food so you better get some on your plate." She said grabbing a plate and rushing to the food. I did the same and by the time we were done our plates were full.

"Let's go." I said. She nodded as we went to our table and sat down digging in. Everyone watched us shocked.

"Pig much?" Violet said. I nodded biting into the steak and looked to Ashley who was eating some chicken pigish-like. "Wanna share?" Annabeth laughed. I turned my head side to side. "Nope." I laughed. I handed her a napkin with a chicken strip anyway. "Thank you." She laughed out biting into it.

"I'm gonna dance. Colt wanna join?" Lily said standing up. "You know I do. LOOK OUT! Dance machine is stepping on the dance floor" He joked getting into his dancing stage

"Mark wanna dance?" Annabeth said. He smiled and they headed to the dance floor. "Guess we better join them." Brooke said grabbing Chris's hand and pulling him out of the booth. "I'm going to find someone to dance with." Violet said. All who was left was Tammy, Ashley and I. 

I felt rude just eating here while Tammy sat there. "Hey Tammy want me to get you a drink?" I said. Her eyes were peeled on the dance floor. Seemed like she didn't even noticed me talking. "Um...Tammy?" She turned to me and looked to me fazed out, "I'm sorry what?"

"Who were you looking at?" She blushed and smiled looking back at the dance floor. "The guy in the white shirt and black pants." She smiled.

"Oh Drake! Let me introduce you two." "No way. I cant go over there Brandon. I'd probably faint." She said with anxiety.

"Tam, You wont faint. Drake is a really cool dude. Come on." I grabbed her hand and went out of the booth. "Be right back Ash." I smiled. She just ate her steak and winked. I chuckled and put my arm around Tammy and pulled her to the dance floor.

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