Monkeybar Challenges

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Once we got home Brandon and Violet got into a huge argument. Brandon was still clueless as to why Violet was mad at him with the whole situation. They took a car together so we wouldn't hear them arguing or so Brandon said. 

We went to a new restaurant in town but the line was intense. So we decided to order their takeout instead, It would take an hour and forty five minutes till we could pick it up. It was better than the 4 hour wait to get inside. So we all voted on going to the park. 

"I call swings!" Annabeth yelled running through the sand. "I get the tire swing!" Mark exclaimed running after her. "Come on Colt! Let go on the slides!" Lily giggled, grabbing his hand. "I want to go on the Monkey bars!" He laughed. "Okay after the slides" And they ran off giggling.

"Oh come on you guys are acting like chi- Oh my gosh they have a see-saw! Tammy come play on that with me!!" Chris giggled, scooping her up in his arms as he ran to the see-saws. She squealed and grabbed around his neck. 

Violet and Brandon sat down on the bench together finally talking it out. I glanced back at them when I saw them hugging. My heart tugged at the sight, I sighed and walked near the park sitting in the sand. I tugged off my sandals with my toes and squished them in the sand. 

I watched everyone playing on the playground like little kids. I chuckled watching Tammy and Chris struggling to See-Saw together. Colt pushed Lily down the slide and ended up falling with her. Annabeth moved from the regular swings and jumped on the tire swing with Mark. They spun so fast I was surprised they didn't fall off by now.

I ran my hand through the sand, watching it fall through my fingers as I picked it up. 

Then I noticed someone sit next to me, I looked up to see Brandon. Violet sat in front of him. She leaned back onto her hands messing with the sand, looking as if she was a sad puppy. 

Brandon tapped on her boot and she sighed. They both looked to me, "I'm.. sorry about being rude to you.." She grumbled. 

"And?" Brandon continued, staring at her. "And I will.. Try.. To be less B****y." She rolled her eyes, poking her finger through the sand. "She really is trying Ash. She never apologizes to anyone." Brandon informed trying to offer a smile. Though I knew she was forced to do it I felt sympathy.

"Its fine.. I hope we can try to be friends though!" I smiled. Violet rolled her eyes and nodded. "See! We're all friends here, Now why are we sitting in the sand like losers? Lets go play on that awesome playground." Brandon got up, wiping his hands off.

"Alright! Violet?" I stood up and looked to her. She paused her sand drawing and sighed "Fine.." She lifted her hands up, Brandon and I looked to each other and grabbed each of her hand, pulling her up. She wiped off her bum and walked with Brandon to the playground. I slipped on my sandals again.

"Hey Colt! I'm next!" Brandon laughed, running to the monkey bars. Violet walked off with him. Before I could follow my phone rang, It was Brooke. We hadnt talked for a while only texted. 

I walked over to the side and answered, "Hey! Babe Its so nice to hear from you." I said seductively, twisting my hair. "Um Ashley?" She questioned.  "Greg? Oh my gosh, Greg stop playing me." I hid my laugh. 

She seemed to have caught up with my joke cause she chuckled, "Yeah babe its me. Where the heck are ya? I need ya babe. Like babe come on, I know I slept with her but I'm Greg babe!" She said in a deep voice. I finally laughed on the phone, "Hi Brooke!" 

She began to laugh as well, "Ashley! I miss you!!" "Awe I miss you too! When are you gonna visit me?!" I smiled, Loving her voice. "Soon! I promise! I just wanted to call and hear how things are going over there!" 

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