Getting To Know Each Other (Editing)

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Hey thanks for reading also this story is dedicated to alfredtorrino. Check his stories out. Anyways hope you enjoy the chapter!


"This is where you grew up?" I wondered outloud. "Well this is awesome! Wheres your house?" I asked looking around like I would know. He giggled softly. He grabbed my shoulders, Stopping me and turning me to the house on the left of us. 

I saw a Grey house, With white outlines

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I saw a Grey house, With white outlines. It had three windows and seemingly soft outside. "Wow, That was yours?" I pointed to it and looked in 'Awe'  "Yep, The good O'l days" He shoved his hands in his pockets and stared off.

"Yeah I moved away when I was like- 14, I think. Yeah.." He scratched his head. "Oh wheres your new house?" "Uh, Well it was off to boarding school after that." He chuckled nervously. I know how that feels..

"Oh.. Why did you go?" I asked cautiously. He looked off to the house, shook his head and then walked off. He glanced back and nodded for me to join. 

I took one last peek at the house and followed shortly behind. He let out a thinking sigh and smoothly wrapped his hand in mine. "When I was younger, It was just my mom, my dad and I-" We turned over to a park. 

"Yeah we were pretty close. Always hanging out- Well correction, My mom and I hung out. My dad was.. Well my dad." I felt his pain..

"Anyways my dad was a workaholic, Still is. Yeah around thirteen my dad thought it was enough playtime and sent me on my way to boarding school. My mom.. She tried to stop his decision but homeschooling to him was not in his schedule" I gave a sincere smile and rubbed his arm.

"But thats not why I brought you there." He brought me over to the swings and we sat down. "I um.. Actually wanted to get your mind off of everything. I wanted to get to- know you more" He stated shyly, Beginning to swing softly. 

I blushed, and began to swing as well. "Oh I see.. Well what do you want to know. I'm an open book." I replied, looking at him. 

"How about we start with your favorite ice cream." He chuckled trying to spin the swing around. "Umm cookies and cream.. Okay I'll ask you Two questions- Favorite cookie and pasta." I kicked some sand.

"Ha alright.. Man do you ever just forget everything when someone asks a question?" He laughed, still pondering it. "All the time" I giggled. "Geez, alright. Uh.. the classic chocolate chip  and I guess regular ol' spaghetti." 

"Ooh your a classics guy. Nice" I winked "Of course! Alright I give you three this time-" "THREE?!" "Three! Now.. favorite soup, tv show AND if there was anywhere you'd go where would you go?" He bumped into my swing. "Sorry" He apologized, chuckling.

"Thats alright.. Ok Lets see, Favorite soup?" "Mhm" He said pleasurably. "You got some kind of soup fetish I should know about?" "Hey soup is soup alright. Sounded a bit like Brooke there" He chuckled. "Yeah shes rubbed off on me. Okay, My favorite soup probably is.. the good ol' Chicken noodle." 

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