Truth or Dare

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I dedicated this chapter to ranaealkharashy2! She always supports my story, Me and her helped each other out with chapters. Later on she said she'd make me a trailer for this story. I'm super excited! Also her stories name is 'Truth or Dare' So go check it out. Its AMAZING!! Anyways to the story!


"Man this week was BORING!" Mark groaned laying on the couch upside down.

I sat next to him, laying back. "Tell me about it. I had so much homework!" I complained to him. He looked up at me and huffed. "We should all do something!" "Like what?" 

He sat upward again hitting me with his feet. "Opp's sorry Ash." He grinned. I rolled my eyes holding my chest where he "Accidentally" hit.

"Sure your sorry." He smirked and began stroking his imaginary beard. 

"Hey everyone! How about we go to Ben & Jerrys for some ice cream?" He shouted to the staircase. Colt came down looking at us in confusion.

"Who said that?" He asked irritatedly. "Um.. Me?" Mark responded in confusion at his attitude, I looked back to Colt. 

"Mark its 40 degrees outside and you want to get ice cream? Idiot." He said in disbelieve.

"Oh yeah. There go my ingenuous idea." He said discouragingly.

"Okay smart guy got any ideas on what to do today?" I implied raise my eyebrow. "Uh duh. Game night!" I took a minute to think about that. 

"I love it! I have to go to the store to get some food and games though." Mark nodded in agreement.

"No need for the games. We can create our own, but getting food might be a smart thing to do." He replied.

"Okay, who wants to come to the store with me?!" I yelled to the staircase. We watched as Tammy came down. 

"Do you want me to go with you?" She asked tilting her head.

"Yeah sure. Grab a warm jacket, its freezing out there." I pointed to the door. She nodded and went to the coat rack grabbing a tan fluffy jacket with furry boots.

I ran upstairs, grabbing my boots and my wallet. I ran back downstairs and grabbed my big red coat. I opened the door and remembered that I forgot my keys to the car. 

"Ugh, Be right back Tams." She nodded closing the door. I ran back upstairs till I hit into someones chest. They caught me before I fell. I looked up to see Chris with drowsy eyes. 

"Hey Chris. You feeling alright?" I said as he let go of me. "Ye..Yeah I'm fine." He gulped.

"Where ya headen?" He said changing the subject. "Oh well we're having a game night and I'm getting some food. Being the idiot I am I forgot my keys." I laughed. He gave a weak smile.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright?" "Yep. Great. Just tired, I've been thinking things over and didn't get much sleep."

"I'd like you to go have a talk with Brandon. I have to go. Tammys outside probably freezing her a$$ off." He nodded and I passed him by. I grabbed my keys, went downstairs and we drove off to the store.

Brandons POV...

Knock Knock..

"Come in!" I replied looking up at the door. The door opened and Chris peeked in. "Hey man. Can we talk?"

"Yeah, sure come on in." I said putting my laptop to the side, getting up. "What's up?" I asked.

"Your girlfriend said we needed to talk." He teased. "Well that's Ashley for ya." I snickered. 

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