Crazy Moments

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"Ah! I burnt myself!" Annabeth groaned walking in. "Aww." Mark said coming over trying to kiss it. "It still hurts idiot!" She said, rubbing her hurting hand. 

She walked back to the kitchen and grabbed a small ice cube and came back rubbing over the red spot on her arm. Mark grabbed the ice cube and rubbed it for her. She smiled and gave him a tiny peck on the cheek. 

"Come on I have a emergency kit for that." Violet said getting up, directing them to where the kit was. I watched them leave and went back to what we were doing.

"Do you know how to do this?" Chris asked putting his math book up, showing his blank problem. 

"Look on the page before." Lily said. Chris looked at her curiously and flipped the page back to show help for his problems. I do mean for math 

"Oh right." He paused clearing his throat awkwardly. "I knew that."

"Psh." We all laughed. "I did!" He yelled defensively. "Yeah, yeah whatever." Brooke waved her hand, thoughtlessly. "I hate homework!" I groaned thumping my head on the table. 

"I feel ya, I feel ya." Drake patted my back smiling. Yes Drake and all of us forgave him and we all became good friends. Even Tammy and him have been getting real friendly with each other. Its so cute!

"Does that sound good Ash?" Brooke said interrupting my thoughts. "I'm sorry what?" She huffed dramatically and began again, "Ok I said, Since school is almost over I think that we should do something. Something that no one would ever do, Something crazy. You know to do as a family." 

I thought about it for a minute. "You know something Loco! We'd all enjoy it SO much." A mischievous glint flashed in her eyes. "All of a sudden I'm scared for my virginity." Colt said dead serious. 

"Oh god, nothing like that. I mean... Wait that was to freaken funny." She laughed for a minute or two and resumed. "No I mean that we should just go do something crazy, out of the way. No matter what the consequences." 

"Sounds like fun, but we could get expelled with that mind of yours." Tammy replied softly. "True, True." Chris interjected. "Shut up!" She said bumping Chris with her shoulder. We all laughed, and went back to our homework.

"What did you nerds talk about while we were gone?" Violet said walking to the table and sitting beside us. 

"We want to do something crazy" Lily replied happily. "Isn't our life crazy enough?" She sighed working on her English. 'Yeah... True... For real!' Everyone replied like the thought didn't occur to them.  

"But no, Something better and I say we hold the first meeting... In violets room. RUN!" Brooke screamed running towards it. 

"Get back here!!" Violet ran after her tripping over her own feet but quickly catching herself on the stair case railing and running after her again. 

Everyone at the table looked at each other and shrugged going after them. Brandon grabbed my hand on the way, I looked up at him curiously. "I don't want you to trip." I blushed slightly and smiled. 

We ran up to Violets room and stopped when we finally saw her room. "So thats why we call you Violet." I commented.

I took a good look around the room. The walls were a light purple, she had pictures of her favorite artists. Her dresser was a dark brown and her desk was black with a dark blue laptop sitting on it, she had canvases that had been painted but some were blank. With paints all around her room and a closet on the right side of the room. With a window bringing just enough light for this rooms temperature.

"Look now you brought everyone else. Get out!" She shouted to Brooke. Brooke walked over to her made up bed and sat down innocently. "But we need to have a meeting somewhere." "I don't care where you have it just not in my room!" She groaned. "Fine."


We were currently in Colts room since Violet kicked us out of hers. "Okay we are here-" Mark interrupted, "Wait why are we here?" 

"Because this is the biggest bedroom in the house, Anyways-" "Why didn't we just come here in the first place." Violet mumbled, Brooke stuck her tongue at her.

"Wait! Why does he get the biggest room?" Mark asked, shocked

"Because he was the first one to come here and He called dibs!" Chris exclaimed. "So as I was saying-" "Wait why-" 

"Mark shut the hell up and let me finish!!!" Brooke screamed, silencing him. "So-" She glanced at Mark to see if he would interrupt her, Once she knew he wouldn't she continued. 

"Like I was saying downstairs. We should do something fun, Nothing we would ever thought we would do. Are you all in?" 

Everyone took a minute to think about it. I looked around, "I think we should do it. You know as a family." Everyone paused and cheered happily, "So we have a plan?" She asked. We simply nodded smiling. 

"Okay we start planning for tomorrow night. Get ready for fun!" 

Hey everyone, Sorry for the long wait, I was super busy and the holidays came, had a writers block. You know how its is, Sorry its a short update after a long wait but the next chapter should be pretty long. Anyways question of the day! 

What do you think they should do? Write in the comments below. Thanks for understanding! Byee!

Hey Guys thanks for reading the story. Hoped you like it. Comment and vote. I'll be updating this regularly so come check it out, Even add it to your Reading list so you can get updated when the new chapter is ready. Thanks so much. Love you~ SenaLoveRymer

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