Detention For Three! Or Nine..

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"I hate you both.." I mumbled in between my arms. I couldn't believe I got detention on the second week of school. What would my mother say?.. Well my maids..

"I told you five time! I'm sorry!" Brandon apologized in exasperation. "No talking.." The teacher sniffed, fixing her position in her chair as she read her magazine.

She was a heavy set woman, Her hair was so short she could almost be mistaken for a man, But I dont control her life. I cant even control mine.

I twisted around, leaning over the back of the chair. "Its all your fault-" I whisper yelled, "-I wouldn't be here if you didn't ask for your stupid good-smelling cologne and if you didn't start our.. chat. You distracted me somehow-"

"Distracted? How?" Brandon squinted his eyes with curiosity.

I chose to ignore him so I could finish, "-I would be in my bed, snuggling with my fuzzy blankets

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I chose to ignore him so I could finish, "-I would be in my bed, snuggling with my fuzzy blankets. But NOoOo I'm here with you and- And dofus over there!" I pointed to Chris.

"No Talking!" The teacher instructed, setting down her magazine then reading it again. "Excuse me?!" Chris scoffed. "You heard me!" 

"Takes two to tango sweetheart." Chris stated, leaning closer to my table. "Well in this case its three.." 

"The Three Musketeers?" Brandon offered, I facepalmed. "I was forced into this. You two were the ones who were late!" Chris spat. 

I turned back around, laying my face into my hands. "I'm not talking to you anymore.." The teacher stood up, slamming her hands onto the table. Accidentally dropping her magazine. 

"Be quiet! I'm tired of hearing your voices. I'm going to the teachers lodge..." She grabbed her watch and magazine. "-I'll be back when your detention time is up! So dont any of you start any trouble. You hear me?!" She shouted, shoving her watch in her pant pocket and placing the magazine underneath her armpit. 

"Whatever.." I murmured quietly. Everyone else agreed, to which she walked out locking the door behind her. There was no escape..

I heard Brandon rise up from his chair and crouched next to my desk. He poked my arm, I lifted my head up onto my chin, resting it onto my folded arms. He planted his arms on my desk, setting his chin as I was, into his arms. 

"Ash.. Are you really mad at me?" I looked into his eyes, He was genuinely sympathetic. It wasn't truly his fault, I made him late to school just as much as he did me. He was just trying to help me not get into trouble and I instantly regretted making him feel bad.

I sighed, tilting my head to the side. I set a few fingers on his elbow. He glanced at them then to me again, "No.." 

"Are you mad at me?!" Chris hollered, running over to the other side of my desk. "I guess not.." I giggled softly, sitting up and looking at him. 

"What I mean to say is.. I'm pretty mad at myself. I didn't mean to blame you guys.. I'm as much to blame as you guys are... I have to admit.. That was actually, kinda exciting." I chuckled, looking to them both. 

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