You Again..

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"Tell him." "No what if he wants to beat him up?"

"Between the both us. We both know he won't do that." I scoff, "Rude!" 

"Ashley, Tell Brandon before something happens." Brooke advised me. I sighed knowing she was right. "Okay, ok. I'll tell him... Tomorrow" I sat back on my bed post, grabbing my magazine. 

"Hell with tomorrow. You're doing it now." She said, grabbing my arm, flinging the magazine and throwing me out of the room. I lost my balance but quickly tried to open that has been locked. 

"Brooke! You locked me out? Of my own room!" I yelled pounding on the door. 

"Go away the beauty queen is resting. She cannot be disturbed." She spoke. "Ha- some beauty.." I murmured. "What was that?!" She growled opening the door with furry. 

"I thought the beauty queen couldn't be disturbed?" I teased. A look of realization came over her. "Oh yeah.. Uh, Hey! Quit stalling and shoo" 

I rolled my eyes, walking to Brand.ons room. Worry began to settle upon me and I hesitatingly knocked on the door. A few moments later Brandon opened the door. His face brightened up seeing me.

"Hey babe. What's up? Are you ok?" He asked with concern at my uneasy face. "Come in." He said grabbing my arm softly pulling me in. Closing the door behind me. He sat on the edge of his bed and patted it for me to sit. I mentally sighed walking towards him.

"Brandon- Um.. I really don't know how to tell you this... I can't even think of the words." I gave a weak smile for his anxious face. "Tell me you're not saying what I think you're saying." His breath hitched. 

"Wha- Oh no not that. We're cool." I laughed. He let out a sigh of relief. "Phew" He said wiping his imaginary sweat from his forehead. 

"But, you may not like this- Um" "Ashley your scaring me." Panic ran through both of our veins. 

"My... My old boyfriend is coming." I hung my head in fear. "Oh my god. I thought it was something important." He let another sigh of relief.

My head shot up, "Not important? Old boyfriend. Don't... Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?" 

"Ash, It's just a old flame. As long as you don't feel anything for him its cool." He said casually as he sat up patting my head and going to his closet. "Cool? It's far from cool. He almost....." 

He glanced at me, But I hid my ashamed face with my hair. "Almost what?" He said turning around to face me. "Um, He almost.. um"

"Spit it out Ashley. What did he do?" He asked sternly. "Um, he tried to do something I shouldn't have mentioned." I explained softly. I glanced at his angry face, "When is he coming?" He asked trying to hide his anger and panic. 

"I don't know. I have to just expect him, I guess." He grabbed my face kissing my cheek pulling me in for a hug. 

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