Christmas Eve.

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"I repeat what the hell are you doing here?" I glared at this guy in front of me. He stood there like an idiot after he practically chased me like a cat does to a mouse.

"Drake I said what are you doing here!" I stood up and yelled as his face, it looked shock for a moment. "Well- I-I-" I interrupted his sputter.

"What the hell are you doing at the park, in the freezing cold, by yourself. Chasing after me?" I crossed my arms. "I should ask you the same thing." He said taking me by surprise.

"Well.. That's none of your concern. Now if you excuse me. I have to pry open my stupid door." I said pushing past him, hitting his shoulder. He grabbed my arm but I pulled it away.

"Ash look I know what I did was wrong. I want you to forgive me, Please! I swear I know things got out of control. I didn't mean to take it so far, But I'm truly sorry. I can't stand to see you stay away from me. You've been avoiding me all week and it's so awful knowing you can't stand to be near me, But please forgive me." He begged staring into my eyes.

"I forgive you... But I won't forget what you did. And just to let you know. I didn't tell anyone other than Brandon. I tried my best to mend the friendship between you guys, But I guess he was as hurt as I was." I replied with a flat tone and walked back to the car with the wind blowing.

His last expression was hurt and ashamed. I didn't want to be mean, I really wanted to go back and hug him saying 'Its ok I forgive you. I'm sorry for what I said' But I knew this was for the best.

I walked to the car with my eyes watering up. I pulled and tugged on the car but it was no use. I was stuck without a car. I looked around for a way to get in without breaking the windows. I thought about that idea to many times now.

"Need help with that?" A voice said from behind me. I sighed and turned around, "Yes please." Drake nodded and proceeds to the car. He looked around just as I did. "It's no use. We can't get in." I sighed.

"Do you have a shoelace?" He asked looking up at me. I put my foot up showing him I have boots with no laces. He looked down at his shoes and began to untie his laces. He pulled the string out of its loops and finally got it loose.

He pulled it up from his shoe and pulled it making a snapping sound knowing that it was strong. The wind pushed a little harder meaning we have to go soon. He put the lace to the doors little hole where the door opens and slid it slowly back and fourth until it got closer to the lock.

He slid it back and forth many times till we heard a click. He got up and opened the door. My jaw dropped. "The hell did you just do?" I said astonished. "An old trick you must never use." He chuckled softly. I followed him with it. We stood there for a minute just staring at each other, but I had to go.

"Drake I. Uh.. I have to go back home now. Say goodbye to everyone before they leave. Which is-" I looked at his watch, It said 4:45pm, "Like 55 minutes and it takes 35 minutes to get to the airport. I still have to go back to the house." I explained. He nodded.

"Goodbye Ashley." He said softly. "Goodbye Drake" I replied. I looked away and went into the car not before hearing. "Merry Christmas. Hope it's great." I gave a half hearted smile and drove away. I looked back at him through the mirror as he watched me drive away.

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