Unexpected Surprises

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Two weeks later....

"We want food! We want food! We want food!" Everyone at the table chanted as we we're waiting for Mark to bring the food. Haha servant boy.

Mark came out with a steaming pan with a case covering it, while he wore oven mitts. He put it down gently and sang "Ta Da! Now eat prisoners that complain to much." He crossed his arms. We looked at each other and chuckled.

Annabeth open the steamy delight as the scent blew in our faces. It was Ratatouille.

"Really? What are you a mouse?" Chris joked. "A rat is what the character from the movie is." He corrected.

Chris put up his hands in surrender, "Look out we have a bada$$ over here." He chuckled slightly. "And don't you forget it." He sat down as we passed down the plates as Annabeth served the food. I started to fill the glasses with pink lemonade. 

Knock, knock, knock.

"I'll get it." I said putting the lemonade down as Brandon grabbed it finishing the rest of the drinks. I grabbed the doorknob, twisting it to see our football coach. 

"Coach, What are you doing here?" I asked. "I'm here to see Colt." He smiled brightly. I nodded allowing him through. I walked him to the table which was near the door.

"Guys coach is here." Everyone turned to face him saying hello and turned back to what they were doing. "He's here to see Colt." I nodded towards him. 

"Well actually, since you're all his friends  You can watch as he opens this letter." He said taking a letter from behind his back.

Colts face lit up as he rushed to coach, he got the letter but had hard time opening it. He still has sprained arm. 

"Here let me." Coach said as Colt gave him the letter. He ripped open the letter, and began unfolding the letter. 

"Dear Colt Alexander Hawkins, Congratulations! After a thoughtful review, it is with great pleasure to inform you that you have been awarded to a full time football scholarship. If any questions please call-"

"I got a scholarship?" Colt interrupted, whispering in disbelief. "I-I got a scholarship!!" He screamed with happiness. Everyone cheered and came up congratulating him.

"Oh my gosh, I knew you could do it!" Lily exclaimed kissing his cheek, engulfing him a huge hug. "Thank you, you were all my inspiration." 

"Don't forget about me when you're in the big leagues." Chris laughed. "No worries man. I'm getting you to come with me no matter what." Colt smiled and did a bro hug. 


I rushed to Mr. Lyons house as he just called me with an emergency. I rushed to the door, panting, knocking on the door. 

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