Football Games

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"Goodbye Zack. Thanks... for that apology." I smiled. "Thanks for accepting it. You're pretty special you know. I hope your boyfriend over there knows that." He grinned nodding his head to Brandon.

Who was having a discussion with some of his friends. I smiled at him, he glanced at me and flashed a charming smile before getting back to the discussion. 

"You know what. I'm pretty special to have him." I love that guy....

One month later..

"i got to go now. Bye" Brandon said over the phone. "Ugh, fine. Ok bye." "Bye."


"I'm saying bye first." I grunted. "No I get the last word!"

"We've been talking for a hour straight"

*FakeCough* "You did most of the talking" *FakeCough*

"So I should get the last goodbye." I said.

"No I get it!" "Ugh fine. I hate you!" I grinned. "I can't say that, cause it's not true." I laughed over the phone.

"Fine I lied. I don't hate you. I love you, I love you so much that I'll let you say goodbye last." "Ok goodbye."

"Bye Brandon." "Bye!" I hung up.

"You never let me have the last goodbye." Brooke complained as she brushed her hair, exiting the room. "You're not as special!" I grinned calling out. "Yeah I am!" She screamed. 

I shook my head chuckling. "Nah, I'm the only one as special to you, huh babe?" Brandon chuckled, looking at me. I shoved my hand in his. "I guess." 

"I can't believe we talked for a hour." He laughed. "Yeah... Why were we on the phone again?" "To make it more special." He scrunched his nose rubbing it on mine.

"Whatever. But I was right here the whole time. Why...*Gasps* Why didn't I pinch you?" 

He laughed, "What does that have to do with anything?" "I could have pinched you and then you could have said over the phone 'I randomly got pinched. I thought I was alone, But I think a ghost is with me' Get it?" He stared at me with utter confusion. "You're sooooo weird..." 

I smiled and leaned in close to his neck, "But you love it." I kissed his neck slowly. Making him close his eyes in pleasure. I backed out, smirking. He looked at me frustrated, "Don't do that." He grunted. 

"What? This?" I rushed to his neck kissing it slowly. It was his sweet spot. I backed out again. "Yes, don't do that." 

"And if I don't?" My eyebrow rose challengingly. "I'll have to do this." My eyes widened as he pounced on me tickling me. I squealed as he got my sides. I was kicking the edge of the bed.

"No, No, No! Stop- it!" I squealed, tears forming. I tried to push him away, But I was just so weakened by him. He finally stopped letting me breath again. He lied down next to me and kissed my jawline. 

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