Visiting Them

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Go follow nickilovegarcia! She's my close friend IRL! So anyway's I finally posted. Comment what you think!! ~SenaLoveRymer

My room looked like a tornado hit it. Clothes were everywhere.

"Ugh I still don't know what to wear!!" I whined looking over the piles I've already seen.

"Ash calm down!" Brandon said soothingly. "I don't know what to wear? What should I wear I mean this is your parents.." I paced around the room.

"Ashley." "We are talking about your parents. I cant look awful."

"Ashley" He repeated. "On a first impression. I mean..."

"Ashley!!" He shouted. I jumped and stopped in place.

He came over to me and held my hands. "It's just my parents. You're going to look beautiful in anything." He smiled brightly.

"Would you help me then?" I laughed stressfully looking into his eyes. He chuckled and pecked my lips. He turned around looking at the clothes.

"Hmm." He went over to a pile grabbing a black and white stripped long sleeved shirt then threw it at my face. My mouth was open in shock, he smirked and went to another pile.

He picked up a skirt that was up to my knees. It was black with pink roses on it. He put his hand up in the air threatening to throw it again. I flinched making him laugh.

"You know, you're a jerk." I grinned. Then he got tan sandals and a purple purse. He put it up in the air. I shook my head side to side. I grabbed the purse throwing it over my shoulder and grabbing a tan purse. I showed him and he smiled.

"So I don't have a fashion sense." He shrugged jokingly. "Everything else is fine. I'll wear it. Now tell me. What do you think will happen over there?" I asked picking up my some clothes. "I really don't know what to expect. Just be ready..."

Dinner with Them/ Saturday evening....

We pulled up to a two story house. It had a pinkish brick road and beautiful bushes around it. It was cream colored on the second story. And a Vanilla color on the first story with a white door. It had many windows and a roof for the cars to park into. We parked and got out.

I took a good look at Brandon. He was wearing a white shirt with a black jacket, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and grey jeans with black and white shoes. He grabbed my hand a gave me a reassuring squeeze.

He knocked on the door and my stomach twisted in knots. The door opened to show his mom with a smile.

"Brandon! Is that really my son? A handsome man he's turning out to be." She laughed.

"Mom..." He whined jokingly, kissing her cheek. "And you are my sons... girlfriend?" She questioned. I looked up to Brandon and back at her.

"Yes. I'm Ashley. It's so nice to meet you." She looked me up and down approvingly.

"Wow you are a looker. My son has good taste. Wont you come in?" I blushed and nodded. Brandon pinched my cheek and I pushed him away.

"What was that for." I laughed. "Remember I said that I'd kiss you if you blush. Well I pinched you instead." I rolled my eyes.

"Aw. You guys are to cute." Mrs. Evans giggled. I blushed forgetting she was there. Brandon pinched me again. "Owa. Sto-ha-op." I laughed swatting his arm.

"Come on children let's head to the living room." She said guiding us there. "Where's dad?" He asked. "Working on some stuff. He should be down here soon though." She responded. I saw Brandon's face drop. I rubbed his arm and put my hand in his hand.

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