My First Real Christmas.

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 "Merry Christmas!!!" Everyone shouted. I looked to see the group. Brooke, Chris, Tammy, Mark, Colt, Violet and Annabeth. "What?! What are you guys doing here?!" I said happily.

"Well the flights were all canceled because of the snow storm. So we can't go until after tomorrow and be back before New Years. So we came over here to spend it with you." Colt explained as everyone smiled. My eyes began to get watery and I wiped it away.

"Wow... I can't believe it! Could they stay? Please?" I asked Mr. Lyons. He smiled, "Sure come on in." They all cheered and rushed inside. 

"I still can't believe you guys are here." I said in disbelief. "Well more guests? I should get cooking." Mrs. Lyons said coming into the room as she heard chatter.

"No way. Of course we didn't come without food and presents. Oh and Merry Christmas." Colt grinned. "You brought food and presents?" I whispered to them. "Sure, Of course! You always do for Christmas and friends." Annabeth said.

"I-I love you guys." I said jumping on all of them as they laughed hugging me. I let go and wiped an imaginary tear. 

"Well come on lets party. Oh I mean do you want to Mr. Lyons?" I said getting everyones attention. Mr. Lyons let go of his crossed arms and put it in the air. 

"Of course. Let's get this party started." Everyone cheered. I guess this will be better than expected...

"Boom head shot Biotch" I shouted as I hit Colt in the head with a snowball. "Oh you're so dead!" He shouted playfully at me. I shrieked running away as he chased me. 

Mr. and Mrs. Lyons were on the porch drinking some hot apple cider as he held her with his arm. All the teenagers were playing snowball fight.

"Language!" Mr. Lyons shouted. I crossed my eyes showing him, then was tackled down by Colt. I hit the snow making a large snow pile next to me. He pinned my hands up above my head with one hand and tickled me with the other.

"Ah.. hehe..St-stop!" I giggled as I couldn't hold it back. He grabbed some snow and put it on my forehead. "Epp!!" I screamed as he let go wiping the snow off his pants. "Rude!" I shouted at him.

"Boom head shot biotch." He mimicked. I rolled my eyes and ducked down for cover as someone threw a snowball. I looked to see Brooke grabbing a snow ball and threw it at Chris's a$$.

"Oh my gosh! My a$$ is freezing off! Get it off. Get it off!" He shouted wiping as much as he could off. We all burst out laughing while he stood there irritated. "Don't laugh my poor bum is cold." He whined.

"I think that's enough of the snow right now. Come on I'll get you all some hot chocolate as you warm up inside." Mrs. Lyons said getting up taking her cup with her. Everyone followed shortly. I smiled and let out an exhausted sigh. 

Then the sound of a car engine began to get closer. I looked to see two headlights at the end of the street.

I watched as it came closer and closer than stopped near the house. Out came Brandon wearing the clothes he got for his birthday. 

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