Telling What I Had To

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"Whats wrong?" He looked at his hands then me. "Why do you smell like Cologne?" 


'What should I say? I mean honesty is something you have to have in a relationship even if it hurts the person. Brandon and I have been having a good relationship so far and lying to him wouldn't make this any better, But I don't want Drake and Brandon to have bad vibes near each other. I wouldn't want Brandon to cling to me around Drake. I'm not going near him anytime soon but I wouldn't want that kind of friendship' 

I sighed and replied. "I have something to tell you, Bu-But not here." His eyes went wide, his face turned to worried and he grabbed my hand pulling me outside. It was freezing but this was no time to complain. He let go of my hand and paced around.

I saw his heated breath come out into cold fog. He ruffled his hair, looked at me, then went back to pacing. He finally stopped and walked to me, grabbing my arms. 

"Are you cheating on me?" My face went shocked from his question. "Oh my god! You are." He said and started to walk away. I rushed to him pushing his chest to make him stop. 

He finally stopped and turned around walking in a different direction. "Brandon stop!" I yelled.

He stopped and stood there for a minute, then turned around and began rushing to me. His face stern, I watched with fear of what he will say. But he grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine. His hands cupping my cheek. 

He stopped, looked at me and hugged me. I felt his warmth all around me, But he let go leaving me cold.

"Is he better than me? A better kisser? Oh god, Please tell me you're still virgin." "Oh my gosh! Brandon I didn't cheat!"

"But you said-" "You assumed I did. I never said anything about that, But you.... Are a better kisser." 

His face dropped, "If you weren't cheating then why were you kissing another guy." I gulped and my eyes became watery.

"I-I-I.. Come on Ashley." I whispered to myself, "I was... alm-almost raped." 

"What...?" He took a step back like it hit him hard. "What?! Who was it?" He says angrily, his eyes blazing to mine. "Brandon, It was a accident." I said looking down biting my lip, feeling guilty for not telling him

"Tell me Ashley!" He shouted loudly. I gasp and unintentionally take a step back. I can sense his own impatience but not the extent that he will do anything. 

I look at him, my eyes wide open. He notices my reaction. He sighs desperately running his fingers through his hair and taking a deep breath. 

"Oh Ash I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I just... Gah I can't stand the thought of someones hands on you. Especially in such a disrespectful way! You're my love. I don't want to lose you or want you hurt." He says softly taking steps towards me so we're standing in front of each other, his breath fanning over mine. 

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