Winter Homecoming!

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This is dedicated to Skilletluva! She's really awesome. Go follow her


"Um...." This just got awkward. 

"Drake I'm waiting for someone else to ask me out. Its-" He interrupted me once again. "Who?" "Brandon." His face dropped. "Well has he?"

"Well no but-" "Then why do you expect him to?" "Well he's my boyfriend..." I confessed. His face dropped and his chin hit the floor. "Oh but I thought you were...." 

"Were what?" I asked with confusion. "Single..." "Oh. So you like me or something?" I asked. He nodded not looking into my eye. I exhaled running my fingers through my hair.

"Well you know there is someone that likes you." I said. "Who?" He asked. "Well... He doesn't want me to mention it." I laughed inwardly. 

"He?!" He gulped widening his eyes. "Whoa dude I'm just playing it's a she!!" I laughed with seriousness.

"Oh.. Well who?! Tell me." He begged. "Well she really didn't want me to tell." 

"Come on Ashley." He whined. "Its... Tammy" He began to think about that.

"Well she's great and all but I like you. Is there any way I could change your mind about Brandon?" I mentally gasped. 'How could he even ask that?'

"No. Sorry Drake." He nodded, "Could you at least save a dance for me?" I questioned whether I should or not. I'm afraid he'll try something but he's a good guy he wouldn't dare.

"Yeah I'll save you a dance." He grinned widely. "Well I'd better get back. Remember the thing about Tams, okay?"

"Okay, Thanks for helping me out and thanks for making me lose 5000 pounds." He joked.

"300. Bye!!" I said as he backed up. (He said 300 pounds in the last chapter) I threw the bag to him and waved goodbye.


"I'm back!" I yelled dropping my purse with a sigh and groaned as my body collided with the couch. "He.. Hey?" Brandon paused as he saw my tired face. "What happened?"

"Drake just chased me 1000 miles." "Huh?" "I'm just kidding. But I wasn't kidding that he chased me.' He gave me a 'Explain Please' Look. "I took his suit."

"Ah. I'm not gonna question it." He chuckled sitting next to me. "Good" I said snuggling into him, But he pulled me down into his lap letting me rest my head on it. I closed my eyes, "This feels nice."

I opened my eyes seconds later to see him smiling at me. I chuckled, "Why are you staring at me. Creepy boyfriend much?" I teased.

He chuckled, "Because you're So beautiful and I'm just surprised I could have you." I blushed covering my face smiling like a clown. He uncovered my face and kissed my lips gently.

"Blushing are we?" He smiled. I nodded, blushing some more. He bent down again pressing his soft lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. I let go and pushed him slightly. 

"Whats wrong?" He asked. I put a pouty face and crossed my arms over my chest. He wrapped his finger around a loose strand of my hair. "Babe what's wrong?" I raised a eyebrow.

"Well I have a special dress upstairs waiting for a certain person to ask me a certain question." I replied. 

He sat me up and pulled me up with him. He leaned down near my ear whispering "Not here. Come with me." I nodded as he pulled me gently. We walked outside and stopped.

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