High School And Races

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up to the most irritating noise ever... My alarm... 

I gave a slight groan and slammed my hand on the snooze button. It wouldn't shut off until the third time I hit it. I threw the blanket off of me feeling the cold air hit my warm body. I should probably get a heater...

I shivered, lifting up and putting my feet on the icy ground. I brushed the hair out of my face and got up off the bed. 

Because I was half awake I bumped into my bedstand, hurting my hip. "OW! Dang it." I rubbed the area and limped over to unplugged my christmas lights. 

I checked my phone really quick for any messages, Brooke had texted me wishing me good luck. But I didnt have any texts or calls from my parents.. 

I replied to Brooke and set down my phone down, walking out into the hall. I didn't bother looking around I just rushed to Brandons door. 

As I was about to grab the knob I felt someone grab my waist, tugging me into their chest. A rush of adrenaline and panic filled my body, I squealed slightly at the sudden motion and tried to push them away until I heard their voice.

"Good morning Little Girl." Chris's deep tired voice mumbled as he hugged me. His warm breath beat down on my neck giving it goosebumps. I gave a sight groan, It was to early for this. He lifted his head and put his chin on the top of my head in a comforting way.

"Morning.. Now get off me!" I mumbled pushing him. "Ouch. Morning person much? I thought we were Best Friends" I turned around to see him, His hair was everywhere as if he had just rolled out of bed. If only my hair looked that good when I get up. 

"I am but when it comes to the first day of school. I'm not entirely to excited." "Me either. Except then I remember theres cute girls and hot teachers there. So It kinda gets me up faster." He grinned.

I snickered, "Yes of course it would." "What are you doing anyways?" He ran his hand through his hair carelessly but in a attractive way, motioning his other hand towards Brandons door.

"Waking up Brandon.." I sighed tiredly. "Watch out! Ya'll fooling around?" He smirked loosely. I blushed slightly and uttered an embarrassed "No!" 

"Righttt... Hey! Why aren't you waking me up?" "I was warned not to wake you up." I raised my eyebrow cautiously. 

"Oh.. Right.. Alright well I'm gonna go get some breakfast." He backed away and walked down the stairs. "What?" I mumbled curiously. I shrugged and turned around, opened Brandons door slowly.

I peered my head inside and saw some light shine from his window. I walked in and shut the door, turning on some of his bedroom lights. 

When I walked up to his bed, He was laying on his stomach with the blankets wrapped around his waist. His hair was messed up and his arm drooped off the side of the bed. I stepped forward and saw his shirt on the floor, Did I forget to mention he didnt have a shirt on. 

"Hmm now how do I wake up a boy?" I whispered to myself, biting my lip slightly. I walked over to him, Praying he's not a deep sleeper.. Or someone that slaps back. 

I sat at the side of his bed, "Brandon Wakey wakey" I cooed giving him little pushes. He didn't budge so I had to think of another strategy. 

"Brandon wake up! It's time for school.. You don't want to be late do you?" I said a little more loudly and pushed him a little more roughly. He turned onto his side but didnt wake up. 

My breath caught when I looked at his chest. It seemed so perfectly cut and it was so bare as if he never had hair there. I forced myself to look away, but looking at his face didnt help much either. His lips were slightly opened and his eyelashes just complimented his look.

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