That time....

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This girl is awesome! She helped me with my cover photo's thank you!! Go check her out!


A groan escaped my lips as I stirred in my bed not wanting to wake up. Monday is definitely not my day and never will be. I got up slowly my feet hitting the floor as I searched for my slippers. I went to the bathroom feeling some strong cramps. "Ow." I winced. "Morning hunger I guess." I whispered to myself.

I went straight to the kitchen grabbing an apple and heading upstairs again. I entered Brandons room without knocking and turned on the light. He grabbed the pillow and covered his face with it as he turned to the other side groaning dramatically

"Baby You sound like a dying pig. Get up." I said but my cheeks heated when I realized I called him baby. "Did you just call me baby?" He removed the pillow from his face, his eyes half closed and a winning smirk plastered on his face.

"No way, I didn't say that. You must've heard it wrong." I said quickly, crossing my arms uncomfortably. "No, I heard it coming from those beautiful lips. I know you said it." He replied his voice still sleepy sitting up with that smirk still on.

"No, I didn't." "Yes, you did." "No I didnt!" "Did so!" "Did not!" "Yes" "No!"

I growled in frustration and looked at my apple aiming straight for his head and it hit it with a loud thump.

"Ow! What the hell!" He half yelled putting his hand on his head. "You need to get up and plus you irritating me" I yawned.

"Ashley you don't go and throw...What the hell did you throw at me anyways?" He growled. I went off to his bed, bending down at the side. Picking up the apple and throwing it at his head again. He rubbed his head again.

"Are you crazy. Why do you keep throwing it at me? Are you that retarded." He barked. I shrugged, grabbing the apple and chomping on it anyways, while I made my way out of the room. Which made him growl louder, making soft giggles escape my lips.

Told ya I'm not a morning person. "Morning." Colt said walking passed me. I grunted in response and went to my room. Brooke was lying all over my bed. I jumped on the bed and it creaked every time I hit it.

"Wake up. I'm not in the mood today." I said realizing I had to pee. I stopped, holding in between my leg's and ran to my bathroom, doing the penguin walk.. Just as I thought It's That time of the month. I groaned and got my feminine items.

I saw Brooke sit up with her messy hair as she looked tired. She looked at me oddly. Probably because I rush off to the bathroom so fast.

"What's up with you?" "Nothing." I grumbled. "It's that time huh?" "Eh shut up." I laughed.

I wanted to wear something comfortable. So I got some sweat pants and a over sized tan knitted sweater. With some slip on red shoes. I left my hair down letting my natural curl flow. I brushed it to get the knots out. I put on some chapstick for my dry lips then some eyeliner.

Brooke got changed and went downstairs. I followed behind her and yawned. Everyone was in a sleepy rush. I grabbed a granola bar and a glass of milk.

Then I grabbed my white back pack and a marker. I sat at the table lifting my legs up on the other side, drawing random stuff on my backpack while sipping my milk.

My feet hit the floor with a loud thud as I looked up to see Mark sitting in that spot. I flashed him a smile and went back to drawing. "Guys I'm going to pick up Lily. Anyone want a ride?" Tammy, Violet, and Mark all raised their hands. "Hop in. Let's go." He said rushing out the door.

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