Picnics And.. Best Friends?

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I woke up to a beautiful glimpe of light coming from the window. I stretched, getting up and rubbed my eyes.

I put my feet on the cold hardwood floor and looked over to my clock to see it was 7:45 in the morning. "Wow I woke up early?" I checked my phone but saw I had no messages from Brooke. Its still early..

I lifted up off my bed and went to the hallway quietly. I peered my head outside of the door, Looking to see if anyone was awake.

I tiptoed, shutting my door silently and walked downstairs. I looked around the living room and decided to finish cleaning up the mess from last night.

I swept up some more and clean off the dirty dishes. Once I finally finished putting away the candy bags to where Mark couldnt find them, I heard the front door open and shut quickly.

I walked over to the kitchen entrance, Peeking around the corner to see it was Brandon in some shorts and a hoodie. He looked all sweaty and tired.

He took out his headphones, Shoving them in his shorts pocket. He took off his jacket to show a grey tanktop, Throwing it on the couch. He went and sat on the couch trying to control the short pants of breath he had.

I rushed over to the fridge to grab a water bottle. I then walked out to where he sat watching TV, He looked over surprised.

"Hey!" "Morning!" I chuckled throwing the water to him. He smiled, catching it dreadfully. He glancing at it then asked "Why are you awake? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?"

I grinned, sitting down next to him casually. "Well I dont know. I just woke up!" I giggled. "Ah" He replied, turning down the volume to the tv. "So yeah, I ended up finishing the dishes and stuff. As you can see.." I pointed around the room.

"Well look at you Cinderella. Making this place feel like a palace." He teased, Looking me up and down with a little smile. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "Shut up" I mumbled playfully. I looked to the tv for a few moments. The news was playing.. There was a storm near Texas.. Good to know.

"Wait.. Why are You awake?" He glanced over to me. "I go running sometimes." He took a drink from the water.

"This early?!" I said shocked, Trying not to glance at his tan, slightly toned arms.

"Yeah! Its always nice and chilly in the mornings... What? You dont think I look this good on my own. Do you?" He teased, pointing his body out.


I rolled my eyes, giving him a light push on his shoulder. That was a mistake when I noticed his arm was still damp from his run "Ew.." I wiped my wet hands on my shirt.

He laughed pausing the tv. "Well running does that to ya. Its called sweat if you didnt know." He said sarcastically.

I grabbed the remote and pressed play again. "Ya know? I never would have guessed that." I returned his sarcasm giving him a sassy look.

"Thought not.. You ever run?" He asked, running his hand through his hair, Droplets of sweat drizzling off.

 You ever run?" He asked, running his hand through his hair, Droplets of sweat drizzling off

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