Cuddling And Rumors

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This chapter is dedicated to coults. This girl is awesome! She's got a great story too! Hope you check her out! Okay enjoy the story


"Wake up!! This is the last time I'm telling you!" I yelled, shaking Brooke. She didn't want to wake up and by the time she does wake up shes in a rush to get ready. Making us Both late.. "Okay.. I heard you the first time.." She groaned out sleepily.

"Well you didn't get up until I called you for the fifth time." I crossed my arms, Bitterly. I know about patience, But this girl wouldn't even wake up if there was a zombie apocalypse. 

I huffed and waved her off, Walking out of the room. Leaving her to do her business as she complained her tiredness repeatedly. I covered my yawn and walked to Brandons room.

I opened the door slowly and closed it without a creak. I smiled as I walked over to his bed, siting beside it. I shook him gently, "Hey.. Wake up.." 

He stretched, turning over toward me. "Goodmorning" I giggled softly. He smiled and brushed his hair up. I opened his blinds slightly and sat back down. He sat up, pulling down his white tshirt. Showing off those soft abs in the process. 

"Mornin-" He yawned tiredly, Leaning against the headboard with his eyes shut. "Princess" His raspy sleepy voice whispered. He glanced over for a second then shut them again with a grin. Oh yes that adoring nickname he gave me, It gave me butterflies when he said it. 

I snorted and covered my mouth. He jerked awake, looked at me and started to laugh. "S-shut up! I-It was a-an accident! I just thought it was c-cute!" My words stumbled out as my cheeks burned with embarrassment. 

He settled his laughter into chuckles, "You thought I was cute?" My eyes widened, I cant just say yes. I've gone to far into this already, Cant turn back now.. 

"Y-yes? I mean no! Wait- Ugh.."I goraned, He looked as if he was ready to tease me but I interrupted. "-Oh!I think I heard Brooke calling me. Hehe- So uh, yeah-" I backed away, messing up my hair and then exiting out in a hurry. I leaned against the door and groaned, humiliated. I heard quiet laughter coming from his room and cringed even more.

Violet walked by and I stood up straight, Unconsciously making it obvious something happened. She paused, looking me up and down. "Whats with you?" "N-nothing" I hate myself...

She turned to me, "What were you doing in Brandons room anyways?" She crossed her arms, raising her brow. 

"Oh uh, yeah about that. I um, wake up Brandon-" By the look on her face she tried to hide the fact that she was completely horrified at that thought. "He uh.. Didnt tell you huh?" I chuckled awkwardly. 

"No.. He doesnt need to be woken up. No you know what, I'll wake him up instead. No need for you to anymore. Thanks!" She turned to walk away. "Actually thats My job" 

She paused and I could tell she stopped herself but coming back and swinging at me. "Fine.. I'll make you a deal. If you can wake up Chris!.. Then you can wake up Brandon from now on" She smirked challengingly.

I jerked back slightly, "I was told never to wake up Chris.." "Well if you cant do one simple thing like that.. I guess you just cant be trustworthy enough to wake up my best friend every morn-"

"I'll do it!" I clarified confidently. Then I realized it came out a little to eager. I cleared my throat and repeated it softer. "Fine.. Do it" She nodded towards his door, crossing her arms with a smirk plastered on her face. 

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