Graduation and Goodbyes

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That weekend we looked for the jobs they wanted and applied. It would be a lot of work for them to get their jobs but they said it was worth it. The past few days went by quick with job applications and free periods. It was Wednesday and we got some mail that could help us on Friday, graduation day.

"Guys! Better come down quick!" Brooke squealed. Brandon and I looked at each other and put down our apples, heading from the kitchen to the living room. 

"Come here quick!" She jumped excitedly, everyone finally came down in a rush to see what the commotions about. 

"Whats going on?" Annabeth asked. "Well we got some... presents, if you could say, in the mail. Here, um... Tammy." She read from the packet and handed it to her. She looked down at it and screamed, Everyone covered their ears. "Its the scores!! Its the scores for graduation!!!" She screamed burying the packet into her chest. 

"What! They came?!" Colt hollered excitedly. "Yes, okay here... Chris, Mark, Colt here you go. Violet, um.. Ashley, Anna, Brandon and Myself." She handed it as she called our names. Everyone was already tearing there packets open.

I looked at it nervously, 'This is my future right here. This tells whether I can move forward or be pulled back. It will tell me if I can take the job or not. God, please. Please let me graduate.' I prayed to myself.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Brandon smiled softly at me, giving me a reassuring look. I gave a nervous smile and let out a deep breath. I opened it slowly and took out the paper 'This is it.' I told myself. I unfolded the paper softly, I felt as if everything went quiet. 

My eyes bulged out of my head. "I'm gonna graduate...." I whispered. Brandon noticed and smiled widely. "I'm gonna graduate." I said a bit more louder. 

"I'm... going to graduate!!!" I screamed jumping and hugging Brandon. Everyone cheered along with me, no one failed their tests. We had a right to be excited. 

"Lets celebrate!" Annabeth yelled happily. "I second that!" Chris cheered. "Lets go to the ice cream parlor!" Brooke stated. We all grabbed our coats off the rack, slipped on our shoes, grabbed some money and drove to the ice cream shop.

Once we got there everyone chatted about random things. I took notice to the ice cream shop, it was different colors. Mostly red, white, yellow and turquoise. It was bright and cheery, just how I felt right now. 

"Congratulations Adams." Brandon smiled softly looking at the menu as if he was actually searching. "Thanks Evans. Congrats yourself." "Thanks." I nodded simply not noticing the big smile on my face. 

"Their all with me." Brooke pointed to each of us showing the cashier lady. "You first." Brandon said motioning to the cashier. "Okay." I chuckled and took a quick look at the menu before getting a Cotton Candy ice-cream. Brandon ordered a double fudge almond. We shared each others of course.

"This is like a fairy tale." Tammy said happily. "I hope the fairy tale doesn't end." Brandon smiled slightly. "Me either." I said leaning back into his arm. 

"Hey, since we got the envelopes, that means we get our robes tomorrow and we graduate Saturday!" Brooke reminded us. "I'd better start calling my family and some friends." Chris thought out loud.

"Oh yeah, its going so fast its scary." Mark shuttered. "It is..." I said, licking my spoon. 

"Hey, hey. No sad faces, this is a celebration!" Brooke cheered. We all lifted our bowls and clicked them together. 

"We'll always be friends, just remember that. Nothing will change us." She continued. "Except we wont see each other everyday." Mark said sadly. "And we will be older and more mature." Violet commented. 

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