Introductions And Getting Settled

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I awoke to something patting my shoulder. Waking quickly realizing where I was again. I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes. Annabeth smiled towards me, Putting down the planes complementary magazine she had in her lap. "Hey" I chuckled awkwardly. When did I fall asleep?

"Thought you'd want to enjoy some of the plane goodies before we landed soon." She chuckled, wrapping the blanket she had up. "Oh, gee thanks?" I joked yawning, sitting back in my seat comfortable. "Well their food is alright. But I always bring the good stuff." She said grabbing her bag and showing off some snacks she brought along. 

"Smart" I said bending over to get a better look. She grabs a bag of hot cheetos and handed it to me. "Always be prepared for the worst" She laughed, grabbing her neck pillow and stuffing it into her bag. I nodded a thanks her way, before munching on them. 

"How much longer till we land?" I looked out the window. "About 45 minutes. Planes are definitely not fun. Brought food but not entertainment, So much for being prepared." She gestured to her magazine. 

"Defiantly a big reason to get some shut eye haha." "Probably would be easier to bear. So I'm curious why out of all the schools nearby did you pick Woodheights" She asked curiously.

"My parents know the head honchos apparently. Long story" I explained boredly, Crunching on a chip. "Mr. Lyons? Hes really cool, Super laid back. Honestly him and his wife make the school worth going to and their known widely for being great hosts. " "Really?" I sat up interested. 

"Oh ya, The school is so nice. Always maintained and clean. Plus we dont have to worry about those gender norms. All open policy so we get guy and girl roommates! Soo lots of hook ups but dont worry lots of condoms to spare" She winked, She dug though her bag a grabbed a lollipop. 

I chuckled, "Well dont think I'll have to worry about that but thanks for the heads up. Hows the activities at school? Besides obvious Sex Ed being very popular" I teased, She laughed. 

"Oh ya, Really cool things like archery, culinary, photography, Theater" "Wow well I'll definitely check out the theater and acting. " I crumbled up my trash. Annabeth reached out her arm, I handed it to her. She stuffed it into a empty fold of her bag. "Ya? You like photography? Got any photos I can take a look at." I pulled out my phone to my endless number of photos I took over winter break. 

"This blonde girl. She seems to be a whole character" She grinned, scrolling through. "My Best friend Brooke. She definitely a character of her own. But just pretty enough to keep her around for my entertainment." I nodded to the phone teasingly.  

"Shes beautiful. Definitely need to take that to bigger things. Theres nothing short of talent here." She went on. "Thanks. This is just for fun. I'd really like to get into theater." "Well if your as good as these pictures then you should get in easy." She nudged my arm playfully. 

"We will be landing soon." The pilot announced over the speaker. "Thank goodness. I feel like as cramped as cramped can be." I explained, She nodded stretching slightly. "Definitely need a potty break before heading off" We waited the rest of the time cleaning up our areas and making sure we were ready to go. We helped each other get out bags from overhead then decided to walk to baggage claim together.

"I'm slightly anxious about this whole thing." I confessed as we waited for our bags. "No need to be, You already got a friend." She winked. "I'll show you around and trust me you'll love the people."  Our bags came around, We grabbed the few we had and headed over to the buses. "Trust me, This will be a school year to remember" She explained as we hopped in. I took a deep breath. Hopefully

As we arrived, I took a moment to admire the design of the school. We stepped out in front of a white two story building window frames, roof and doors. It also had fresh cut grass surrounding the area and a pool planted on the side with black gates surrounding it. "First day at campus selfie!" Annabeth excitedly exclaimed. I pulled out my phone as we positioned us in front of the building. One for the scrapbooks. 

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